New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

The argument wasn’t about identity theme. It was about visual theme. Void Elves have the additional visual theme of blue skin. Blood Elves don’t.

But you’re going on like they all have tendrils.


I wouldn’t mind seeing

  • More hairstyles

  • I would love a pink hair color and highlight options.

  • opposite of void hair, having light particles flow through it.

  • Pink eye color and white. Mostly pink. I’d love to rock a pink xmog with pink hair and eyes. Rep the pally class color. :stuck_out_tongue:


The way you keep framing the complaint makes it out as if they have no choice in having tendrils.

This might be a more healthy way to look at it.

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Pretty pally pink please.

Managed to find a concept of Runic Tattoos.

They would need to add Full Body Options and have them come in Green/Gold/Blue/Red/Faded Colors but these could tie in all the Blood Elf magic Stuff.


After seeing night elf tattoos, things like this feel more likely to happen.


I am deciding on my fourth character and Paladin is a contender alongside hunter, druid, DK, and shaman. Though shaman would be vulpera and is my least choice I think, and I hate melee so maybe Paladin and DK aren’t for me, but I want something different.

All in all I’ll wait to find out more customizations and class combos, as my ideal Paladin would be my first Night Elf but alas…

Though hunter I could try melee or go back to ranged if I dislike it. We will see!

And after seeing the VE customization reveal, hopefully Dark Ranger themes are more likely to happen.

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They just have to flag it for player use.

No need to develop anything and it makes tons of players happy.

They got the Night Elf Vine Toggle from Box Art so they might as well give Blood Elf players the Box Art options we’ve been requesting.

And if they make them glow the same colors as they eyes it ties all the options together.


Ran out of likes…ty for this!


I see what you meant before about BE player requests being turned into something they are not. It’s sad to me.

And I hope something like Snowsongs list for Blood Elves is revealed soon, in the next build or what ever / however it works.

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Most of the Mag’har skin tones are used by Warsong NPCs in WoD. Therefore all playable Mag’har are Warsong.

Prove me wrong, you can’t.


If I had one with the AU Blackrock skin tone I’d say: “laughs in blackrock”.

But I don’t, so I guess you win.

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If you can’t play a MU version of a clan, it’s a second rate clan.


Speaking of:

Blackrock and Dragonmaw skin tones for regular Orcs, Blizzard.


inb4 they’re too busy releasing new velf stuff they don’t do anything for the poster child Horde race.


It’s not a new Void Elf theme, though. You can look like a normal High Elf(Like Alleria does)and still identify one. It’s a new player customization, but it’s not a new Void Elf theme.

To be an Undead Ranger, you have to be undead and a Ranger. You can’t be a living Sin’dorei(which is the only people that identify as Sin’dorei, I think? Unless something has happened since Sylvanas left) and also be an Undead Ranger. It’d be a brand new lore theme and a player theme for the Sin’dorei. It’s objectively a huge difference to what they currently have and what Void Elves are getting.

And I don’t have a problem with anyone asking for that. I’ve asked for it too. But these new Void Elf options aren’t a new visual theme in the same way Undead Rangers would be. No Undead Ranger (I think) refers or identifies themselves as Sin’dorei or even looks like one.

They don’t all have tendrils. :man_shrugging: This doesn’t really take away from my point. With these new skin options, your character’s still going to look like they’re afflicted with Void magic.

I’m not complaining about them having tendrils? I was just saying that we still can’t make normal-looking thalassian elves, so these new options aren’t as crazy as a lot of people are making them out to be. This isn’t a brand new visual theme that hasn’t ever existed in the Void Elf culture before(even though normal hair options and colours aren’t either). I’m still obviously really grateful for these options. I also want Undead Ranger stuff too, I’m not arguing against that.


Are you sayin’ I don’t look normal? I look like I have anime dyed hair, that’s it.


No it’s not, the model and lore already exist just like the Wayfarers HE stuff did. It’s the same thing, so to downplay your end of things is just incorrect.