New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Both sides of the “Theme” argument are getting silly.

It’s okay to want another theme, especially since other races getting them and this is the best opportunity to request them.

But you don’t need to request a theme based on the fact another race is getting them. Just focus on requesting the theme you want.


More than likely you will get more and more of what you want, and thats fine.

But pointing out the unequal current situation doesn’t invalidate the additional requests for Blood Elves. If anything pointing it out gives validity to more things for Blood Elves, and maybe thats what bothers you I can’t say. All I know is BE requests are valid and you saying

Does not invalidate the BE requests.


We saw Magister Umbric’s hair colour change from when he was a Sin’dorei, though? Void Elves’ hair is the way it is because of the Void. You can’t make your Void Elf look like a normal thalassian, even after we get these new options.

Don’t Blood Elves have a dark blue hair?

It only matters in this thread in the context of BE’s and VE’s because like was pointed out


Idk what’s going on and why people are getting upset with each for customization requests. It feels like we are looking at the same thing from a different angle here.

Let quit ragging on eachother please.

I’d say we need some separate threads specifically for blood and void elf customizations… but the climate of the forums will flag bom it into non-existence. So here we are, so let’s not use a “well this race for this, and it’s taking from mine argument.”
Let’s make sure each race gets top notch customization, I’ll be right there advocating for that.

We are still in alpha here peeps, we have plenty of time hopefully get it right.


Blizzard is more likely to answer positive feedback than negative one. You are turning a request into negative feedback. It does hurt your message, and it ends up obfuscating those who genuinely want dark rangers because they want to play as dark rangers, not because they are angry for someone else getting something cool.


But we won’t reach 20k posts on a Blue post that way with our silly arguments about Pretty Elves.


Umbric’s model changed from generic Blood Elf to generic Void Elf. That doesn’t show us anything specific. If he had his own unique model I’d be inclined to agree that it was deliberate.

By this logic, I guess Sylvanas was a Night Elf from Vanilla to the end of The Burning Crusade?

Unsurprisingly, they didn’t put a lot of thought into Umbric’s change. Kind of like the rest of the Void Elves at launch.

Everything about the Void Elves changed but their hair? …The same hair that now has tendrils in it? Ok.

I mean just look at that god ugly short hair they have currently. I am willing to donate my short spiky hair to these poor Void Elves.


Meanwhile, Void Elves are not confirmed to receive any new hairstyle, nor the option to hide tentacles for current ones, there’s also nothing pointing towards new hair colors, faces, or even tattoos.

So, yeah, Void Elves barely got a few skins that weren’t meant for them in the first place and the whole deal is unfair and over? Really?

Guys, don’t forget that Alliance got shafted in the whole Allied Race system receiving bad jokes and awful looking races, Blizzard is just fixing what should’ve been delivered in the first place.

I don’t see a problem in asking for Darkfallen/San’layn skins, but stop pretending Void Elves are receiving all that people want.


Males have 6 hairstyles without tendrils, and females have 4? But sure, everyone has tendrils apparently.


You’re saying that literally everything but their hair colours have changed. That’s super specific and doesn’t make any sense at all to me, especially when I just used an example of their hair colour changing.

But your request shouldn’t be focused around the fact other races are getting new themes.

It should be focused around the theme you are requesting.

Focusing the request around the fact other races are getting stuff hurts the request by making it more about other races than focusing on an actual love of the idea.

Be more “I have always loved and wanted to play Dark Rangers/San’layn. I think it would be really cool if they added them as options. Here’s how I think they should do it.”

Not “I think because other races got another theme added that we should get Dark Rangers/San’layn. It’s only fair.”

See what I mean?


Nobody said this. They said they feel ripped off that Void Elves are getting access to every Blood Elf skin tone, plus their exclusive blue ones.


All we really need (besides more hair colors) is a tentacle toggle like the Night Elf leaves-in-the-hair toggle. That alone kinda-sorta gets Void Elves 6 more hairstyles for both male and females. Granted they are just dupes of existing hairstyles sans the tentacles but it does end up adding several options.

And on the flip side, such a toggle could potentially add tentacles to hairstyles that don’t currently have any which allows those who want to lean hard into the void theme several more hair options as well.

I mean I would be happy to snag a few human hairstyles, but in the interest of just working with what we have, a tentacle toggle gives us a lot of bang for the buck.


Quit pretending that people pointing out they are still getting more than them means they are saying you’re getting everything you want.

There is a difference.

We have a starting point to get more later which is a bigger deal than other races can say.


Kinda feel like most of this argument the last few days was pushed by a few folk who just want to argue.

I think most of us just want to request what we want to see and be unmolested.


I have said both and both stances are valid. All the downplaying of what Blizzard has done for VE’s by some HE posters may hurt more HE demands in the long run too by that logic.

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