New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

So, you saying this is fanfiction:

Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.


Don’t indulge fyre, it is known to subatage HE support threads and turn them into flame/troll wars. ignore it.


last time ill ever respond to this from you. where does it say they are NOT high elves. we know they changed an adjective to honor their fallen people and homeland but that didnt change their race or culture or traditions. nothing fundamentally changed besides one adjective :joy:



I hate it. I thought I would hate Allied races more, but no this is much worst.


Name me one NPC that calls you a High Elf.

Even Ellesande recognised the Blood Elves and High Elves differently.


you dont need an NPC to know the lore. launch the game and read their race info. the next biggest hint is you will log into quel’thalas if you create a blood elf. you done with this one? can we put it away? do i have to start citing development and more lore sources that blood elves are high elves

Right. So then you should learn your lore. Because Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaims in the Rise of the Blood Elves that they are no longer High Elves. He said from that day on, they are Sin’dorei.

Because in Lore, and in the game, Blood Elves and High Elves are both 2 different groups. And with the introduction to Void Elves in Legion, a 3rd group.


I only have the teensiest complaint, and that’s a visual one.

I really, really, do not want to see Entropic Embrace going off constantly on a “High Elf.” Presuming they’re not taking away the racial somehow, or turning it into a toggle, then not only will the “High Elf” feel very much like a “Void Elf” but it’ll also be ugly as sin.

There’s a reason I don’t play a Void Elf and it’s not because they’re purple; Entropic Embrace is so visually off-putting to me that I actually loathe it.


they are 2 different groups like stormwind humans and defias humans. same people but one is a tiny political reactionary group that is completely irrelevant from a narrative perspective for the humans of stromwind. there is no equivalency one owns everything and makes up the vast majority the others are forced to live a life of banditry or goons for the city that hosts them

youre not a high elf. youre a void elf. it will even say void elf under your name if you bother to make one

Or… It’s just a name that blizzard applied to them and they’re high elves from a number of places interested in the void.

They’re still a High elf that went to learn to be a void elf.

So… Literally that is now an option for you.

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And you’re not a High Elf. You’re a Blood Elf.

Cool. So you agree that Blood Elves and High Elves are politically 2 different groups, under different cultures with different stories.


which is a high elf :laughing:

Then so are Void Elves. Stop with your fanfiction.

EDIT: Sorry, I mean, Fyrefiction.


youre a void corrupted high elf tbf. another flavor of high elf. if you want to be a pure high elf play a blood elf


Yep, customisations say differently.

Keep trying


Omg this looks AWESOME!! :star_struck:

Ok, ok if you add the High Elf Tattoo like Alleria or Nozdormu (Humanoid High Elf Form) or add the Red Eye Pale skin, I’m done I think Ill sub for a year or more! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :exploding_head:

youre getting skin tones. youre not getting natural hair colors and if they add more natural eye colors for blood elves you shouldnt get those either. and ofc you dont get to be a follower of the light and walk the path of a paladin. youre the legacy of what blood elves were initially sold with way back in TBC :smirk:

I’m not the one complaining. You are.

How exactly do you know what we’re really getting. Blizzard just announced one thing. There could be more to come.

I don’t care about Paladins. I don’t play a class design to be a bubble bath.

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Hey now that’s - ah who am I kidding.

Carry on.