New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Already have blue eyes :^)

Happy that both are getting this option and not just Alliance. Im sure well get “Let VE be paladins” soon enough. lol

Aside from the available scenery, I doubt it will change at all.

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Since they decided not to make Alliance-loyal high elves their own separate slot on the character creation screen this is the best, most fair option they could’ve gone with so all players can have their normal-skinned, blue-eyed elf but still stay on their faction of choice. More customization options for all races (especially the ones who have a grand total of 3-4 skin or hair colors…) is a great thing.

Taliesin released a video on this pointing out that as of Shadowlands the ranks of the void elves have expanded beyond the initial, very small group that Alleria recruited (and were directly infused with void via the void ethereal attack) to include both Silvermoon scholars (so more blood elves), and high elf wayfarers. Blizzard allowing void elf characters to choose the full range of blood elf skin tones and the blue eyes that are going to both undoutably reflects these scholars/wayfarers having joined the Ren’dorei and learned how to harness the void (hence the racial abilities), but retain their normal appearance otherwise since they weren’t part of the original guard almost turned into elf ethereals.

Honestly I think, if they’ve committed to letting void elves have the full gamut of blood elf skin tones they should go all-in and allow the full range of hair colors/styles. And in return, blood elves should be given the non-tentacle void elf hairstyle options and an undead skin tone and red eyes to reflect (from an RP standpoint at least) perhaps blood elves who were killed during the war of thorns and then risen as dark rangers (like Lorash Sunbeam, the blood elf who was killed after attacking Malfurion and was raised as undead by the val’kyr).


This still doesn’t give HE ppl what they wanted, the lore associated with the HE’s of the alliance npc’s. And remember, Not all high elves would study the void. This does not eliminate the chance for high elves. It just merely robs the BE of their unique appearances. We should not support this.


It does give you the option to be one of those high elves who went to study the void.

In which case you have the associated lore.


Which it actually don’t? ppl wants non-currupted HE, not blood elf lite VE versions.

Heck half-elves woulda been better.

you have that option already greatgray

Honestly at this point we should take what we’re given and be happy (especially since being given all the blood elf skin tones and the same blue eyes they’re getting is more than we were expecting when at best we thought we’d get 1-2 normal skin tones If we got those).

Getting the blue eyes and blood elf skin tone options (and potentially the hair styles/color) is a huge win…and honestly it’s probably the nail in the coffin of the people hoping that the group of high elves who never joined the Horde would get their own race slot on the character creation screen. Will people who wanted to play a high elf paladin or who wanted someone to see 'high elf mage/hunter/etc next to their character’s name on the character list be completely happy? No, but we can’t always get everything we want.


AH HA! the I am a HE troll shows up. nope, ion said you guys evolved from being HE so your not it. :slight_smile:

no it is not a win. VE will never be HE, and we should not reward blizz with a medal for being lazy. The fight must go on.


No it quite literally does.

One of the High Elf wayfarers.

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delusional. ion never said blood elves evolved from high elves. its literally impossible. void elves are your high elves, enjoy them

wayfarers not, the ones that fights alongside the alliance for several expansions. wayfarers is just another term of wanderer, which means they wheren’t any of the silver covenent or alleria stronghold elves. They where factionless

A literal high elf wayfarer who chooses to learn how to use the void from Locus Walker is literally a high elf using the void. Ergo Shadowlands will have blood elf and high elf Ren’dorei. Ren’dorei is pretty much a faction of Thalassian elves, just like Lightforged Dranei are a faction of normal Draenei and not an actual race.

i like how all of a sudden the wayfarers and their implications are only now accepted. hilarious

and we asked for the faction that does not study the void ergo, silver covenent. We did not how ever asked for VE with BE skins, ergo the trolls and karens whom don’t know lore did.

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then play a blood elf greatgray! they ARE high elves!



Yummay…I have way too many elf characters, and many more to come now. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


And at this point some of us are telling you that you might as well accept that another faction of high elves (Silver Covenant) is probably never going to be given their own create character button on the log-in screen. Should they have just used that allied race slot to give the Alliance-loyal/Silver Covenant high elves in the first place? Probably. But what’s done is done. I highly doubt they’re going to use two allied race slots on the same species of elf.

Sheesh. It’s like someone gave you a free ice cream sundae and you’re complaining that it was rocky road instead of moose tracks ice cream.

Why don’t you go troll another thread or go support your thread of high elves should never be added to the game threads. I know what you do and will not indulge you after this post.

/fixed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We will still talk about it regardless of your complaints. And we will still support it. I just do not beleive this VE customization is for the good of the game. It doesn’t add anything nor explains why all of the sudden ppl that becomes VE don’t look voidy. They should have more void customizations, not be BE lite. HE or half elves needs to be it’s own race.

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aka you have nothing to cite blood elves arent the high elves and that high elves as you fanfiction are already playable simply renamed blood elves and just not on your preferred faction. just say what you really want, a blood elf on the alliance :sunglasses:

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