New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

It’s amazing how the goal posts move.

I said it was weird that blood elf players were complaining, since Blizzard gave exactly what they asked for: blue eyes.

People said that it was false and pointed dark skin.

I got carried away in the argument because I myself forgot the original point: that people are complaining for little reason.

Just because I got carried away doesn’t change the fact that they got the dark skins they are complaining about, so what are they complaining about?


And those customization options for Void Elves include making a High Elf. Similar to how you can make a Wildhammer or Forest Troll. :purple_heart:

It’s good we’re getting over the past.


At this point Void Elf is still an AR and I hope Blizzard remembers that when continuing their current core race customizations.


But it’s 1:1 skin tones of Blood Elves…is this a cute way of saying Blood Elves are High Elves? :thinking:


I just hope everyone gets customizations that they love, and lots of them.


According to the WoW encyclopedia Blood Elves no longer consider themselves High Elves.

“Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred”

  • WoW Encyclopedia Blood Elf entry

Blizzard: Mentions the term Wildhammer specifically in the post revealing those options.
Also Blizzard: Omits the term High Elf from this reveal entirely.

I giggled. I bet the term is banned from staff at this point.

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What about Broken Draenei? Can’t we all agree Broken Draenei are creepy?

I’m joking. I hope the broken Draenei fans get their thing too. They should throw in one creepy face for the male Draenei…

sigh Fine. One creepy face for the female Draenei too.

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Trolling. Cute. :rofl:


…and all Void Elves are former Blood Elves…so the Void Elves by extension also don’t consider themselves High Elves (even ones in fleshy spray paint).

Your point?

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Well. My point was, Blood Elves no longer consider themselves High Elves… and since High Elves are a social group, it’s fairly obvious they’re not High Elves.

And I haven’t seen any fair skinned, blue or purple eyed Void Elves.

So unless you’ve got a Dev statement saying otherwise they look like they’re High Elves to me.

I giggled. No I didn’t. I’m not a troll.

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After this, I’ll look like a High Elf, too. So I guess by Alliance logic, so long as I look the part, I can call myself a High Elf (even if I’m a Blood Elf).

This is officially a two-way street now. Strap in boys and girls, either we’re all High Elves, or none of us are!

(None of us are.)


So Which is it?


-Both Sides have playable High Elves confirming that Blood and Void Elves are High Elves


-Neither side has playable High Elves



Not particularly.

Blood Elves have Blizzard Lore stating they don’t consider themselves to be High Elves.

There are High Elves that are in the alliance. Go to the Mage district.

Suddenly you can look like those High Elves.

That doesn’t mean Blizzard can’t say, “These are High Elf Wayfarers that joined the Void Elves.”

Or what. But considering that they added Wildhammer customization to Bronzebeard Trolls and they handed Forest Troll customization to Darkspear trolls…

But if you make one of those characters you start in a Darkspear village or Ironforge then it’s not a particularly compelling counter argument.


How about both sides can rp as what they want? Seems fair to me.


Well. High Elves are a group of Elves that the Blood Elves left.

So currently

The Horde has Blood Elves…

and the Alliance has Void Elves and then also some unexplained elves that look exactly like the Alliance High Elves.

And that’s the situation.


So then Both do, Yay for Unity and RP. Avarie gets the gold sticker.


But Blood Elves are also getting these, so then that means the Horde has High Elves as well now by this logic.