New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I agree on the uproar part but i don’t agree on being lax about “alpha” that last time people where lax BFA happened.

Alpha is the time you point everything out and make an uproar about things to get it done while they are working on it. If you don’t then you complain about something and they wait till a large patch cycle to fix what could take a hotfix.

I will not stop relenting on them. Alpha is not an excuse. It is not a shield. This is the time we speak up.

As for the sign of huge range of items. Yea I will believe it when i see it with how much my race has been shafted. Our race mount is half a**ed. Our “heritage” armor is throw away trash because its broken which says a lot on how the devs see goblins. Our model rework is a chop job that looks terrible to a lot of people.

Humans, Knife-ears and Space Goats are the only races most people go nuts over so they get the most attention. No quarter given. They have invoked enough of my ire to never trust them.

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They did actually say that ARs weren’t going to be getting stuff added in this first round and that would be done later.

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Dude, we are nerds talking about lore on a game forum!! Of course we are gonna discuss the minutiae of it all!

Now tell that to everyone that has ever have a complain about the game. people always are going to have complains, valid or not.

Nor do I have any power to stop other people from doing what they want.

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…Who cares?

It’s nothing but a win.

Have you ever leveled through Outland? There’s a lot of High Elves that got stranded there during the invasion of Draenor, who never “left” the alliance, let alone knew what happened to Silvermoon until the Dark Portal re-opened. Those are the ones I was talking about.

Those are still 100% High Elves that could have gone either way, either to their friends and families to the Horde, or to the Alliance.

I’m not implying they’re a different race from a genetic point of view, more from a cultural one.


It’s only a win if you value homogenization over uniqueness.

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fixed /10 char.

They were ours to beging with.

“Crying” like you right now hahaha.

Not during WoW, they weren’t. You crybabies threw a temper tantrum for the past 13 years because you felt so entitled to Blood Elves.

You’re now celebrating the homogenization of two separate playable races, simply out of spite because you feel so entitled to have peach-colored Elves. Hell, some of you aren’t even happy with THAT, and it STILL isn’t enough!


I wish all the haters would just take a walk.

Be happy for other players getting stuff they will use. As a player, be grateful for getting stuff. This is one of those cases where it’s actually not that bad and the best they could do given the circumstances.

It’s not like they’re giving us some portal room we didn’t ask for while they take away ALL the portals from some magical floating city.


Times change. poor imitation of Garrosh’s voice

Seems they’ve gone back on that a bit at least. They might surprise us.

Still, just saying that this is going back on something they said earlier.

Yes, I really agree with this. I’ll like your post in seven hours when I have some likes again!



Personally void elves should had never gotten those skin colors and kept they’re aesthetic, It is blizz being lazy and not wanting to fix the real issue really.

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But who’s losing out here? I don’t get it.


blood elves with they’re appearances, void elves being robbed of they’re identity that they grew on.

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And you’re playing a group that do not call themselves “High Elves”. Giving the Void Elves access to the same skin options as Blood/High is pretty good though, as we do have High Elven/Blood Elven scholars in the Rift studying the Void. Giving the skin and eye options to the Void Elves mean there is more lore being pushed forward.

Whether you’re happy or not, it is either we remove the Void Elves and give the High Elves that the Alliance already had, or give the Void Elves options to these skin/eye colours and work on pushing there story forward.


It is starting to get really disturbing how toxic people are starting to get. Especially yourself. No, we can’t have a friendly topic anymore, not with toxic behaviour becoming very bothersome.


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poke the website cause its a bit dull minded