New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Green Eyes…

You know. The Blood Elf thing?


youre still playing a void elf tho whose capital city is a rock in the twisting nether with some tents. far cry from a majestic city with a long long history in WC lore :smile:

Honestly I think this is kinda fair…

Dark ranger tones and eyes?


Dark Ranger stuff would be good.

Also easy to do.


keeping the natural hair colors and paladin class is a very small consolation

maybe undead can get human skin tones and the forsaken can begin to undermine the human story by having an identical and playable group of humans friendly with the horde

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Yes on the Dark Ranger customization option, perfect time for it with Velonara and her DR’s choosing the Horde and calling Forsaken and BE their kin.


Hmm… Be odd for Forsaken though.

Could I interest you in Alteraci humans? I have a fairly good line for the how and why.

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I think it’s been set up in such a way that blood elf Dark Ranger customization and night elf Dark Ranger customization is en route. Here’s hoping!

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They turned ‘non purple’ and shrank in height from being cut off from the well of eternity and switching from nocturnal to diurnal lifestyles. Have you ever seen someone who spends long hours out under the sun? They don’t tend to have milky white, pasty skin…they tend to get darker. If you don’t like the darker skin tones, then you’re free to not use them…just like someone who doesn’t like the ‘normal’ skin options for void elves is free to stick to the blue/purple voidy ones if they want to. Other players being given an option they liked or wanted for their characters isn’t hurting anyone else.

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Technical they also live in Stormwind as well now so…


Love it!!! Many thanks!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


They said they were working on core races first, they never said allied races weren’t going to be given new options. They probably revealed the new void elf options (at least the eyes and skin) early because they knew if they just revealed the blue eyes for blood elves the uproar would drown the forum (like it did before Ion had to dial is back). People need to remember that Shadowlands is still in alpha. I’m sure all the races are going to be getting candy, not just the elves. They just haven’t shown all the options they’re working on.

People should take this as an awesome sign that a huge range of options are going to be coming for other races that need them.


and BTW, if you go to Telgorus Rift. There are High Elves using Void magic to become Void Elves.

Just magically say you are a former high elf who embraced void magic. And when Shadowlands hits, tell people you couldn’t handle being “emo” anymore.

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This. There’s no point in there being Blood Elves anymore, at this point. They’ve been diluted so many times since TBC. I miss when they were Fel-abusing magic junkies that were “savage” in their own way, being basically WoW’s version of Drukhari. Now, they are just Alliance High Elves with a Horde alignment, and the Alliance just stole all of our remaining uniqueness. “OH, but they have EMO HAIR!”, yeah, if that’s the only difference, than anyone loitering in a Hot Topic should be considered a separate species.


Hopefully we see some story adding HEs officially to the VE roster, maybe the SC swears allegiance to Alleria. Maybe the Highvale do the same. So a High Elf all but in name just like the Blood Elves :slight_smile: and then it would give way for HE classes not currently seen on the VE roster.

So many possibilities. And I love this compromise!


The good thing about these customizations for Void Elves, beyond just giving a better compromise for High Elf fans, is the fact that we’ll be finally able to play the Void Elven aesthetic that some of us asked back in Legion:

Now Void Elves can finally identify with their leader and the very first of their kind. :hugs:

I mean this is all pretty much not even alpha stuff, but kinda, yeah? Do we assume it’s retconned that not everyone on Umbric’s group got turned blue, or do we assume that it is indeed the new additions that have become functionally Void Elves?

So far that’s the thing, we just have a lot of assumption, and it’s not that we can go right now to use a pink skin and have to wonder why we have it.

But with what we know, all Void Elves originally were blue, besides alleria, everyone was. And we can either:

-Think there were always non blue VE’s and it’s the same crack squad still.

-Or take this as implication that more VE’s are being made, and that’s why they don’t look blue.

In either case, there’s not enough evidence for either, cause it could go either way. But considering that VE’s NEED a way to grow they numbers, I think the second is a safer assumption.

So yes, these pink skinned VE’s are new, and it’s perfectly likely some of these were Alliance High Elves going Void.

Actually, it’s crazy how easy would be to make the implication more concrete;

Just vary the NPC’s that come to Telogrus. Instead of just High Elf Wayfarers, add High Elven Rangers from outland, and Silver Covenant Battlemages etc. to make the point HE’s are coming from different backgrounds to study the void.

A more textual approach would be to add Vereesa to Telogrus with some of her Rangers and have her literally say “some of my people have come to study the Void”

Yes please! Many BE fans would like this and I think it’s fair to open up a brand new skin pallet to them too, seeing VEs get Void and the diversity range of BEs!


My giy, if Alleria can be considered a Void Elf faction leader, but still has her normal High Elf skin. Shadowlands isn’t going to disrupt the Lore, nor should we always depend upon it.

There is nothing to worry about, you a silly purple thing.

Now, do me a favor and tell the other High Elf fanbois to stop making endless threads. You guys are never satisfied. Sheeeeesh!

Yes, take this for an example.

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YAAASSSS!!! Exactly what this one said. I am ridiculously excited now and literally cannot wait.

One thing though…while I am always up for the challenge in BGs, I personally feel having some way to distinguish the belfs from the new light colored velfs may need to be in order, beyond hair and eyes.
Don’t know yet if it’s necessary, but an incredibly easy thing to do would be to implement a mechanic where upon entering combat they enter void form, very similar to how the worgen enter their forms in combat. Not sure how other velfs feel about that…I personally don’t care, but it’s easy.

Either way. YAS. Happy. 'nuf said.