New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I still think it’s premature to say void elves have a second theme. It depends on if they actually get more options. Skin colors alone doesn’t give them a second theme. Alleria has regular skin tones, and regular hair, but turns voidy in combat.

We don’t know yet if we are getting hair colors or anything that would allow us to shut off the void theme.


Seems like a random thing to link.

They didn’t cancel the skin tones did they?

They still aren’t on Alpha yet as far as I know.

Alleria is a void elf with regular skintones. So what new theme are they getting?

I’m a simple guy with simple needs.

Moar hairstyles.
Red eyes.

Maybe scars. I mean, #IAmMyScars.


Two of the scars Night Elves got would look nice on my Warrior.

Not to mention Lor’themar has scars…

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felblood elves. can see how their wings work

Alleria isn’t always skin-coloured like void elves can be next xpac.

Until they start turning blue every time they get into a fight, it’s a new theme and a new aesthetic.

Aesthetics that can be used to represent void elves, blood elves and high elves.

I agree, and I think a lot of it is seeing other races get seemingly such amazing things ours feels rushed, and when BE fans go to speak up about what exactly we want it seems a lot of people play the “be quiet you got your stuff” card, which is ironic because when I see it, it’s a lot of HE fans asking for more Void Elf things.

So it’s not even for some people that we have to wait, it’s the fact when people do speak up people try to act like we’re getting the best end of customizations and we shouldn’t be asking for more.

Tattoos I know are so wanted by Hunter fans/Farstrider things, and Dark Ranger themes. Once we see those I think you are right in your assessment.

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They do turn blue in combat, and so far regular hair colors are not confirmed. All the regular skin tones do is give them the option to look closer to one of the racial leaders.

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Ah. I do like cute little batwings but without those, I wouldn’t bother.

People would scream bloody murder if they gave Belves winglets.

I don’t know I think a lot of people are turned off by HE fans who try to downplay what’s been done too.

So while I agree more can be done, we at least have a starting point. BE fans of Dark Rangers don’t even have the customization to ask for more edgy hairstyles later for example. So we aren’t even at the same starting point to hope for more.


They turn blue with the racial, but that’s like what. 5-10% uptime on an overlay?

Alleria is always blue in combat. You can play a void elf as a high elf or a blood elf with the new aesthetics.

It’s hard not to want little batwings for yourself, I get it.

those are feathered wings :innocent:
check it in the 3d view.

just have white / gold / grey / black wing option

Except we still have voidy hair colors, and no control over when the racial procs. They still are pretty distinctly void themed.

I’d like little feathery wings for my priest and one of my hunters. Could fletch his arrows with his own molting. Put a little bit of himself in everything he shoots.

If you get one thing that makes it closer to play the theme you want without anything else that fits the theme, does it count as a new theme?