New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I meant Azshara though. I’m used to them just murdering all of their important characters.

I get it. Warcraft/Starcraft has always done it. But the issue is that they haven’t done a lot of character building so they usually just leave a gaping hole where the previous interesting character was.

Yeah. I think the argument was, “Gilgoblins or something else.” like, taking up the last Allied Race slot?

And so when they’re going head to head with Ogres or something it doesn’t make any sense. But more customization is always good.

In the Shadowlands, the UI is getting changed. No more slots. No more allied races based on a certain pattern or allied races. No more x race coming in place of another. This is how things should have been form the beginning so there was less animosity.


Surprise! It’s little, but they ARE doing some work on allied races after all.

Oh, and troll stuff:


The really did freaken burn marks for Night Elves… wow…

I have no idea which way I should feel about this.


That first and third one for my Belf please.


It’s good to see the Nightborne getting just a lil bit of love, but I do hope and also believe that these are early development as I would also give them Violet, Green and perhaps Gold eye colors as well.

Trolls are still getting more on top of an impressive amount of additions, so again I’m optimistic that other races will get a healthy amount of additions respectively.

But as far as Trolls go for me, all I have to say is Zandalar forever!


It could turn out to be more universal. Night Elves aren’t the only race that should have scars.


Allied Races already have basically nothing in comparison to the Core Races as of right now. In Shadowlands their lack of choices is going to be so much worse, and Blizzard hasn’t even said when or if they’re even doing anything about that. What’s their issue with ARs? Lol

All Allied races need at least 5+ hairstyles/beards, 5+ hair colours and skin colours to compete with what the current Core Races have. They’re just going to be an eyesore in Shadowlands, and it’s pretty lame. Blz, pls.


yeah it looks like the newest patch was coming and the boss said collect up the currently finished customizations so we can toss them in. this is pretty much what happened with velfs. first a couple things. then an announcement but not finished apparently. it shows they are starting work on nightborne


i’m interested in where they’re gonna go with race adjacent races for the races who are not fleshed out yet. for example, what race adjacent races would pandas have or nightborne or night elves or gnomes or worgen or goblins or tauren or kul’tirans or mechagnomes or undead or vulpera or draenei. we already know the ones for trolls, dwarves, thalassians, orcs and humans. i mean, we could guess at tauren adjacent ones, such as taunka but some of those are a big question mark.

pandas share body type with the tuskarr but otherwise, they arent related.


I think they said that ARs aren’t the main focus right now, which implies that they will be later on. TBH the stuff that are being added for ARs so far are just being texture work. It’s also logical to expect at least the eye change for all fo them.

But… I also can see it as a moneygrab move. For example, regular draenei after the new options will look much more interesting that LFD… And people that changed to LFD maybe will want to change back to regular Draenei… Then a couple of patches in, LFD get new options and people will once again find them more interesting and want to change back.


For Nightborne I could maybe see Felborne via some green options as well as the addition of energy cosmetics for the hands and hair. Maybe Leper Gnomes. Gilblin are popular and relevant for Goblins. I could see Night Elf options being added to Worgen and the Human model added to Forsaken as a more freshly raised undead.

I also suspect Undead Night Elves with the burn scars being released, that screams death at Teldrassil. I’m not sure about the rest though.


we discussed faldorei for nightborne. be careful saying that around avarie hehe. but they are such an odd body type, they’d be more like a form, like a warlock form or a druid form for boomkin. since nb arent druids…yet, the former is the only option.

then, and this is the eyebrow raising possibility - nightborne naga.

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That would be a sick Moonkin form indeed, and would definitely be fitting for a Druid form considering they fit in with the whole Arcan’dor arc.

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This looks damn fine

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What’re we up to? We’d have to be close to some orc and troll releases wouldn’t we? Haven’t all the Alliance races gotten something now?

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There you go. You Pandaren can now Make War, Not Lovecraft.

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Still no faction exclusive options as far as I can see tho.

Something like the Pandaren faction insignia on your arm would be cool, similar to what Baine has