New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Well, there’s Rommath.

There needs to me more Night Warrior like customizations.


While the LF Draenai are opposed to the burning legion and fel magic, it’s more personal due to what happened to their home planet because of the legion.

However Fel and Light as elementals don’t go BOOM upon touching. They’re not opposite, they just don’t get along because they’re simply enemies.

This is true. But then again, not all DHs have horns either.

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He is referring to the cosmology, not referring to the legion and the like. Chill

Doesn’t make it the opposite force.

Is a naaru. The actual forces of magic have no cognition.

If I’m not mistaken I believe some Felblood didn’t have Horns or Wings.

Might have been gear hiding it though.

But it’s certainly possible they can add the Grey and Red skin colors without having to ad horns or the little kingdom hearts wings.


Eh, I don’t mind the light as much because it has a far larger history and association with good-natured characters and positive themes like fighting evil threats, and restoring the Sunwell. While on the other hand the Void still instills madness to those who embrace it, and pushes them to do terrible acts in it’s name.

While it is possible to resist the whispers of the void, we’ve seen how often, and easily individuals can fall victim to it. The light seems more far less controlling, and is more susceptible to the person controlling without driving them to madness.

Selin Fireheart actually has winglets. My first time seeing him I was like, “omg he has winglets. I want them.”

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He looks to have them.

They do kind of look like shoulder ornaments though.

I thought it was just back armor.
Some of the shadowswords like the zerkers dont have it.

I remember hoping he dropped his shoulders and the wings would be attached.

Holy jamoly. If you load up the NPC model you cans ee they are coming out of his back, not his shoulder armor.

I want white, holy versions of those for Blood elves.


Honestly I have no idea, just pointing out that he does have them.

That would be good as a theme.

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Xe’ra is a being who dies and the light is still there. She wasn’t ‘the light’ just as Sargeras and Illidan aren’t the fel but beings of fel. There is even a light forged dread lord. If anything Chronicles suggests that fel is more closely related to light and arcane to void. Light and fel both transition things rather than create while arcane and void are very creative forces. Though there aren’t any actual answers to that.

I expect if we go on a journey through the cosmos after Azeroth hatches this will all be further fleshed out.

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Take a look at the 3d view of his model.


Was there any official mention of Fel blood elves surviving after TBC? Or any recent mention of them at all?

I believe it was suggested they were exterminated.
The fel blood elves were all aligned with Kael’thas and kil jaeden.

There are felblood elves being made by someone on Darkmoon Island.

Is it even canon? I thought it was just fluff for the toy.

I don’t know. No one has said it’s not canon.

My stance is the same: I’d prefer light themes.