New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Hard no, chief.


All I know is, I’m looking forward to having a couple of ‘High Elf’ Void Elves xD

But then, I’m looking forward to all the customization options coming with Shadowlands…


They were, and they redeemed themselves now. They don’t need all need to die to redeem themselves.

If Blizzard says they’re not the same demonic orcs from before, then they’re not. The only bias here is yours, for not accepting canon lore, then replacing it with your own fiction and delusions.

When exactly? In BFA? And according to who, you? Lol.

What happened in BFA was a faction war, there’s no “demonic madness about it”, I think you’re being a little confused or lost in the timeline, both? I recommend the WoWwiki, big help!

Yeah you must be angry, enough to make up nonsense and call it lore.

Yep, angry enough to start throwing insults, hahaha. Rich.

What’s to get mad about? Are you projecting your own feelings right now? :frowning:

I saw fake lore being posted, I corrected it, and I will post for or against any conversation I see, because I can. :slight_smile:


Didn’t realized redeeming themselves changed their entire race and doesn’t make them the same exact people, yikes.

Also they didn’t redeem themselves, Gromm did. You just said it.

Not how logic works but go off lol.

Imagine thinking just because they’re not “evil” anymore doesn’t physically make them the same exact orcs. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The entire game actually, AND BFA lol, guess screw Saurfang and his opinions, not like he’s been around for every little thing the horde has done, he’s definitely not entitled to his judgement, because you want orcy workies to be sOooOooOoo honorable.

Yeah sorry, forgot observations on all the games I’ve played are incorrect because you don’t understand the different between being literally physically the same orcs and “my honorable orcs are no longer those orcs, they died and were replaced with new orcs cause honor :sob:

You’re adorable.

I’m sure you thought you did, the saddest part is you’re still not clicking with the part you’re missing :rofl::kissing_closed_eyes::rofl:.

Maybe a nice nap will get that noggin workin again bud. :heart:


They already abandoned their Families.

That’s what the whole dark portal thing was. They went despite orders.

Now that Alleria’s back it would make perfect sense that the people who followed her to their potential deaths would follow her again.

Like the last warchief :wink:

There’s no such thing.

Because people are requesting the Subraces as Customization options and Undead Elves/Felblood Elves are something people have been requesting for a long time and gives people a contrast when designing your characters compared to other players.

People like playing dark and gritty things too you know. And not everyone wants “Pretty” or “Cute” options and some people are attracted to different things anyway.

San’layn and Dark Rangers have their own threads so it’s clear there is a demand. I’m not just gathering these from my own ideas.

Let the Elves be goth!


Nah, that’s nonsense.

They went to aid an ally that they felt their gov’t wasn’t supporting enough, like any of the foreign volunteer groups like the Flying Tigers or Abe Lincoln brigades. They thought they were going on a suicide mission to save their world when they went through the Dark Portal. There’s no reason why people who may very well have put their lives at stake to save their nation (and the world) would abandon that nation when they find out they CAN still go back after fearing it was lost to them forever.

You asked for them for the High Elves.

Nobody said they’re not the same people physically, I said they were not the “same demonic orcs” which you claimed. Nice attempt to put words into my mouth

Okay so you finally understood that they were redeemed, good. And yes, redemption isn’t necessarily always “dying a heroic death”, but Orcs redeemed themselves by following the new Horde code, Thrall’s horde. Whether there were outliers that abused the warchief position to go against that, is not the fault of the entire race or faction, even your golden boi agreed to that throughout BFA and disagreed with Saurfang’s pessimism.

Wait did you just make that up? Because nobody said that. I pointed out that Blizzard does not portrays them as the “same demonic orc” as the old horde. Meaning (if you’re that slow) that they changed, they walked away and were cured/freed of their old blood rage.

Subjective and subjective. It was a war with two sides in it. Just because the Horde attacked and destroyed some Alliance targets, does not make them objectively evil.

Saurfang’s opinions were that Sylvanas is “ruining the horde” “destroying it’s honor code” etc etc, this was directed at the leadership position of power being abused, and thus he threw his entire life away trying to dethrone her, and successfully so. He didn’t do this against the Horde or his Orc kin, it was exclusively against Sylvanas, and with Thrall, the founder of the new Horde at his side. Try again.

Okay now you’re just repeating stuff, and I will just point you to the above answer in that nobody said they were not physically the same Orc, but yourself.

Oh and you can keep up your lowly attempts at insults btw, they’re quite amusing. Lol. I know it must be frustrating that you’re being called out on your lore lies, so that you immediately start swinging around like a headless chicken, but it’s amusing all the same.

They literally told the players as much.

It makes a lot of sense that a group that followed Alleria would continue to do so and continue to be a part of the faction the fought with for decades.

We asked for Alleria like Tattoos that are based off her old WC2 Ranger model from when Warcraft Elves where based off of Celtic Tribes.

They where soft retconned away from being like that and it returned as an Alleria Specific thing in Legion.

So we asked for it as it’s something not part of the Blood Elf them at all to help different them from each other as it would make sense for both Alliance High Elves and Void Elves to take a bit after Alleria.

There is no such thing as “Farstrider Tattoos” and Ranger Tattoos where retconned out in WC3. Save for Alleria having them as a homage to her WC2 appearance in Legion.


Nope I was talking about them being the same people the entire time.

Nice try trying to shake off the guilt :kissing_heart:.

No I got that, not that it mattered cause it wasn’t at all related to the discussion you weren’t a part of, learn to read.


Mmm yes and all the honorable orcs who followed the directions to attack a civilian town and burn down the tree.

Cause honor right?

No, said Saurfang. :man_shrugging: I don’t remember the story being this hard to follow.

  1. You started it :heart:
  2. They’re not lowly of you keep addressing them, hit a nerve sweetheart? :kissing_heart:

Sure, Jan.


Those are really good ideas for both Blood and Void. I hope Blizzard can look at these ideas.



It makes just as much sense that a group of people away from home for years who get a second chance they never expected to have, that at least SOME of them would want to go back and help, especially once they hear about what happened to that home while they are away.

I mean, you’re welcome to all the cold uncaring elves that you want, but they never signed up to split from their families.

Oh right, more attempts at taking themes away from the blood elves.


It’s almost as if they forgot Kael’thas renamed the entire race to Blood Elves so all prior Thalassian elf themes are Blood Elf themes.

So, where does the Alleria style tatoos fit in to “stealing from the Blood Elves”?


The part where he says Blood Elves can’t have them and they shouldn’t be considered blood elf related, even though the org. that Alleria belonged to is still going strong in Silvermoon.

I just said that it should be open to both, Drede’s the one saying no you can’t have that here.

So here’s a bit of logic.

Either the tattoos are Alleria Only and only Alleria gets them.

Exclusive or…

They’re a Farstrider thing, and Farstriders have them. Meaning both Blood Elf and Void Elf rangers may have them.


Well, within all fairness, I think both groups should have the same options to any tattoos, but maybe in colours of red to represent the Horde, and Blue to represent the Alliance of both groups :woman_shrugging: But honestly, I am not overly fond of ideas of tattoos.


I’m really invested in the Farstrider fantasy.

I was about to say maybe different colors. But I mean, the farstriders are still very much a thing, especially since the three sisters thing showed that there’s still scourge near Silvermoon.

And it’s kinda really perturbing when people want to exclude access to it…