New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

You see, if you lose weight, gain weight, are tall, gain muscle, lose muscle, stand and/or act differently, you aren’t the same species.


And that means Blood Elves aren’t really Blood Elves because they had a different model in Vanilla.


Oh I remember very well. We brought up how the highvales have been living in the hinterland for centuries which made them more hunters than mages. The suggestion was to give them more muscles due to them becoming less dependent on magic and more physically active and this is how the "Oh so you want to make your elves more updated and better looking than ours? reeeeeeeeee” came to be.

And no, we don’t want to erase your void elves, you can keep the eye sore (EE) if you want to and you can keep the ugly blue skin too. Here is what I think, you blue void elves enthusiasts are insecure because you know damn well that the majority will get the normal skin tone and this will make you stand out as the ugly elves on the alliance which is why you try to enforce your taste on us.


Says the generic HMP. No, the Void Elf Enthusiasts as you call them don’t want our preferred race watered down and erased by a small minority who can’t accept they got a compromise and want to erase all traces of what is actually a unique race now.


So, is it like awards season for MHPs? Gotta get out there and look good for the judges?

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well now, i dont think they’re ugly. they just look ill or dead or something. the guys look great though - it gives the dark and mysterious vibe. its the females who are not quite as aesthetically pleasing.

It’s cute when you ignore what I say and use the old tired meme (HMP) nice job guys, you really got me there, you won. :partying_face:


No one wins with low effort trolling. You’re just another random face popping in to insult other people and stir up drama. It’s pretty old really. Especially with a character who has only posted on this thread.


Oh coming from you. The irony.

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It’s ironic the hmp bashing considering elves of any kind is 10x more vanilla than that

Literally lowest common denominator

yes i’m common, but have an uncommon wit. hehe

Ooooo, I have a reputation.

I was actually there for that and yes, there were many who wanted the same model, but there were just as many who favored a different model. I advocated a different model myself but I’m perfectly fine with what we’re getting, personally.

This is what I thought she was saying too, but I reread and she’s actually referring to the High Elf supporters who stated they wouldn’t accept a new model because they felt it wouldn’t be authentic.


all this drama could be solved by giving belfs a new, even prettier/handsomer model. then they wouldnt give two hoots if we had a helf model haha

It would be cool if people would make their requests for customization and stop with attacks.


Gosh, I really wish people would stop with this.

Yeah, only some. That does not mean all.

So you think. But you can’t say what is really going to happen.

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Hang on, now I gotta find that model. I got just the model for Blood Elves, and boy, I would be rolling for it.

There’s another problem, because realistically there’s nothing a high elf would be that there aren’t blood elf examples of too. So while there are the lodges that are doing their own thing as rangers, you also have the farstriders out there still defending Silvermoon from the Scourge. So there’s the problem of denying customization options from the parent race to create an offshoot race. There’s no simple answer for this, I think just about any move, or lack of move, will bother some portion of players.

what model?? is it cool? is it new? that would be such a good solution-upgrade belfs. they’ll be happy and wont care one iota if we look like their old selves. hehe. and the helfers would think they won the helfer lottery.

Ok, I can’t find it, too many post to try and find the link, but it is virtually using the same model as the goblins actually.

I think it is fabulous <3 and Goblins are fabulous too.

Isn’t that the main issue with all Allied Races though?

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