Yes so do more for core races, this thread is about VEs and BEs so the topic does concentrate on them. But core races should come first like Blizzard promised. And I’m in other threads about core races advocating too, I linked a few earlier, I agree on core races it doesn’t matter which one.
They have recieved a bit, but it is all an ongoing process, and there will be more to come.
And this is precisely what you refuse to hear: this is IRRELEVANT if we rather DON´T get the aforementioned stuff and get something else. THIS is what I´ve been saying nonstop. Cause If I stay quiet NOW about my discontent, the devs will asume me and likeminded people are just peachy with the things they´re proposing and they won´t invest more time nor fix it nor much less change it.
It´s the basis of the design process. A customer ask for something, one designs it and presents it to te customer for feedback, and makes the proper corrections to guarantee the satisfaction from the customer. So, Reno and myself and Lannisterian and other bunch of people are kinda doing that: giving the feedback.
It´s the right time to do so, afterwards devs WON´T do sht.
I will apologize beforehand for the harsh language, but the less “incoherent lolwhut wtf” combos, the better.
We don´t need more Calia Menethil esque retarded lore messing up with the story, tyvm. And Lightforgedf Felbloodelves sound like one of those things that would make people to get brain damage and to ruin the story to epic proportions.
Feel free to ask for those for the Velves if you like it so much, personally I rather get stuff MODERN AND RELEVANT to the CURRENT Belf lore and narrative.
If my memory is right was when Human stuff was being datamined (I readit on MMO as text from a blue).
I repeat: Nightborne datamining wouldlove to have a word with you.
So, you’re saying we’re going to get another BfA where Blizzard ignores player feedback? Because I am pretty sure they realized that mistake and are not going to repeat the same process again of ignoring player feedback.
Absolutely. Remember “no negativity on the dojo” A.K.A. we only listen to the thank yous, anyhting else is not registered by our brains.
staying quiet was the strat people used 2 years ago regarding Nightborne… and look, nothing fixed.
Also in regards to “devs listening to player feedback”… Subtlety rogue players would love to have a word with you.
she was asking for light based customizations. so i thought wellllllllll, light based suggests redemption, and felblood elves are extreme belfs, and since belfs were redeemed by the sunwell’s repair, any remaining felbloods would be as well. to be honest, they look very native american. i think they look cool. remove the horns and you get a whole series of different types of eagle wing features and a nice deep tan.
And I say you have no remote idea on Belf narrative nor much less Belf lore. The “things” called Felblood elves perished back in TBC together with their master Kil´jaeden.
Cause sorry to burst (again) your bubble, but they kinda weren´t allied to Silvermoon, they were 100% Burning Legion at the time.Which is why the suggestion is hilariously bad, literally “go Belves, pull from this villain batted group -the MOST egregious one- to customize something I don´t really care about!!”
oh i know this. those felblood were former high elves, renamed blood elves, who followed kael’thas to outlands. and when kael switched to kiljaeden, the felblood went with him again. the only reason they are viewed as evil now is because they choose kael’thas over illidan. and since both kael and illidan seem to be getting a redemption arc, felbloods could too. then woot, belfs have another customization option
Wrong, the “only” reason they are viewed as evil now is because they too followed Kil´jaeden A.K.A. Kael´s “Boss” and were 100% in favor of summoning their master + his army of demons into Quel´Danas. Regardless on the loss of life.
THIS is what the current Belves mean when they mention “Kael´thas betrayal”. He went from working to save the nation to helping a genocidal demon get access to the nation without a care for the impactthis was gonna have on the elves.
If you don´t know the lore, then simply avoid giving feedback over something you don´t care about (I mean, nobody is asking you to this). It´s especially aggravating when you try to twist it like a pretzel to justify a bad idea.
They’ve sacrificed everything. What have you given?!
did kael go along with kiljaeden’s plan? if so, and he’s getting a redemption arc, felblood could too. its not as if blood elves were exemplary citizens of azeroth when they abused a naaru for the paladin class. haha. its a matter of extremes.
A redemption arc would imply he kinda regrets becoming Kil´jaeden´s ally, ergo the whole “let´s gorge upon Fel weeee” thing kinda doesn´t compute.
I don´t see ANY of the Belf cast accepting the people that were willing to kill them all for a bigger “fix”. Especially the light zealot.
Fun fact: did you know the “poor wittle defenseless Naaru!!!” gave migraines to ALL the paladins and that it even tortured and drove to madness Liadrin´s former priest apprentice?
After that + Xe´ra, I´m starting to think draining the Naaru was the actual right thing to do. Imagine giving it more weight to influence the elves /shudders
you’re allied with orcs who tried to kill you off when under the influence of fel. and that is because orcs were redeemed. you’re allied with former scourge who tried to kill you off when under the influence of the lich king. and that is because the undead under sylvannas were redeemed. redemption is a horde mantra.
Ohhh, but pray tell, Belves allied with them cause they decided to chill and forgive or because they were SO desperate they actually HAD TO look further the misconception of the Orcs into the actual post WC3 Thrall leading Orcs?
Cause me thinks it was the second option.
No matter how much people misinform themselves, thing is, Orcs post concentration camps = / = Orcs working under Kil´jaeden´s influence. As established by Chronicles, Lor´s short story, Blood of the Highborne, etc.
And Sunwell manga explains Forsaken / Belf political association. Belves were wary of Sylvanas until she PROVED WITH ACTIONS she wanted to help them.
So far what´s the explanation for accepting 12+ years old survivors who literally died to protect the summoning of their demon overlord?
Go troll somewhere else with your forced incoherent suggestions, Hyper. Especially when you do them as some sort of “show of good faith” nobody cares about.
My Metamorphosis.
Maybe Geists. I really think that Geists look kind of elvish more than human.
the sunwell reignited. they no longer needed fel, and kiljaeden was killed. many of the legion are leaderless now, as well.
i was just trying to picture light themed blood elves. first thing popped in my head were angel wings but thats decidedly titan related. however, felblood wings would work if the felblood regained their senses. i dont see why the only unredeemable bad guys are former belfs. all the other bad guys are redeemable, including former human undead.
You DO know the “Fel wings” kinda need THE FEL to exist, right?
So pray tell how this “Fel wings stuff” works when the aforementioned abominations supposedly don´t need Fel anymore. And afterwards explain thow they don´t disappear the moment the elves become “Lightforged” somehow (your second gross lore misinformation: Golden eyes on Belves aren´t a thing caused by the Sunwell, are a thing caused by EXTREME devotion to the light A.K.A. those elves are liught zealots worthy of Yrel´s army)
You´re starting to look like the poster child for the “malicious suggestions done by questionable anti Belf” crowd Snow mentioned a while ago.
Stop stressing your head and let us be. Stay focused in your Helves / Velves and let the Belf suggestions for the actual Belf players/posters, tyvm.
but you accept the humans who tried to kill you even before they became scourge. you accept orcs who tried to kill you because of fel. felblood elves same problem, but thats where you draw the line.
mind boggling haha
They do use the geist models named “marauding elf” or something in the Sunwell dungeon.