New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Dude, me and Broflake may have disagreements, but he just shown you the actual colour. And yet, you think that going around saying people must be dumb is a pretty negative thing to say.


Well every color is a mixture of different colors, thereā€™s even green in there, but Iā€™m not gonna start calling my robe Blue, green and red. But in any case, steel blue is an actual color of itā€™s own, and looks much different than steel grey.


I like how once again you have the mouse hidden. for all I know you are one editing it to show that. Two making sure that you have the scan over the wand or the actual tabard icon which does match that.

I donā€™t see any grey in your robes at all.

I mean he clearly must be if he thinks showing a single screen shot of text and nothing else will prove his point.

You donā€™t know how Gyazo works do you?
The mouse is used to take the picture.
That is why it does not show.

Anyway, now that you have clearly demonstrated to everyone that you do not wish to be honest about being wrong about colors, we can move on.

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petitioning for playable grey elves.


I genuinely believe heā€™s just a bait troll, because thatā€™s genuinely what it seems like right now. Oh well, thereā€™s always bad apples. :man_shrugging:

Do they have grey eyes too? lolol

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Blue is the new grey so we got them already.

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Yeah, probably is just a bait troll.

I mean I am once again being honest. There are so many ways you can make your answer correct.

Iā€™ve seen so many negative things from you in different forms where you think you are right and when proven wrong deny it.

Furthermore you can make the program show the mouse.

I am 100% being honest my program shows grey.

they might be blue or grey, you kinda need to squint a little.

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I already explained this earlier to you, I am not doing so again, nor will I tolerate your accusations of lying.
We are done here bud. Have a good one.

So, why do you not share a screenshot to actually prove it?


Guys, guys, guysā€¦

Discussing colors is pointless.

The real debate is: yanny or laurel

I mean you clearly must be lying if you refuse to prove it with out a shadow of a doubt.

Hey, nice switching to alts to mass flag my post of me saying you must be stupid. Can I switch to all my alts and mass flag you too?

I hear yanny

That isnā€™t cool. Handle it manually Sara

Your link didnā€™t work, so I goggled it. I hear Laurel. No question.

You and Broflake need to fight about it.

Winner decides which is canon.

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