New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I vote mud wrestling.

She would lose. I am a DK. We’re better than Hunters by default.

Can’t argue with that logic.

Yanny it is!

If I used Somand? No contest, I’m basically in greens. :laughing:

But all your gear belongs to her now. Everything is hunter gear.


Crud I hate hunter gear.

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When I first saw this video I could clearly hear “yanny”, but right now I’m hearing “laurel” for some reason.

Am I going nuts? :exploding_head:

Yeah, I’m not going to do anything. Just thought to point it out.

Even though it is mass flagged, thought to delete the post for just a little respect, but if I get a forum vacation for it, I’m gonna dance away saying, Vacation Worth it.

No, you’re not.
If I remember right its something to do with dialects or something.

There are methods of contacting support.


And there we go, now I’m hearing yanny again.

The heck is wrong with my brain :joy:

Yikes, that ain’t cool. I’d report it directly to the forum mods.

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Nothing at all. Its like seeing the rabbit or the duck, except auditory.


I like how you blame me as I’m uploading pictures to prove my point. Dont get upset with me when you wanted to insult me. Because I said something to your lover.

It needs coffee?

But it’s 1:10 AM :anguished:

Yeah, but sleep is not an option. You can sleep all you want when your dead.

Well, when you’re a Death Knight.

:fearful: Now you’re starting to freak me out lol

What do you have, dial up?

Ok, if you take the word “stupid” as an insult, does this mean we can take “dumb” as an insult too, since both have the same meaning?

Oh boy… Hey Broflake, when did you become my lover?

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Anyone caught sleeping gets the:

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Sorreh :frowning:

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There ya go.

Ask the people that reported you. Idc what you call me.