New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Yeah, sorry about that. My internet went out so Arthas kind of went to town on you guys.


You had one job!


His one job killed us all.

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Hey at least it was a free class swap!
Didn’t even have to level a new class after!


At least someone appreciates my ‘unique’ talents!

True. And I do make undeath look fabulous.

Why would I lie? I have no care for you or your existence. I do not care what you think of me nor would I ever waste my time lying about something as basic as colors. I see grey the programs I’m using say 40% grey. Why dont you take a screen shot of you showing it says blue.

The lie detector test determined that was a lie.

So, you need programs to tell you instead of eyes to see for you?

No I used my eyes. I then used the program to confirm incase that i was wrong. If it would have said blue i would have admitted my folly.

But since its saying grey then it’s just confirming what I see.

I wish it were… I really really do.

I still never take off my helm.

AHAHAHAH you gone messed up now mate.


We’re done here.

Clearly not accurate.


Except, I don’t see any grey. And not every program is also going to be accurate.

You must be dumb. You showed a screen shot of only the color. You made sure to keep the armor out. Furthermore it makes it seem like it you do send a picture of it saying blue you would edit it to feel your desires. Nice try champ.

Genuine question here - steel is “grey” isn’t it? So steelblue is grey + blue? Could it be?

He plum done gone dag-gone did it now.

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Ohhh that varmint gonna geet eet!

Wow dude, really?
You claim you’re not lying, but then immediately accuse me of it?


If you want to die on that hill go for it bud.

That is a good question, and the answer is more or less.


Steel blue is basically the combination of regular blue with grey.
Blue is an intense color, however, and so because of this it only ends up washed out. So it is classified as a shade of blue, rather than a shade of grey.

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Oh really? Because when I show proof I make sure there can be no cause for mistake but that’s nice you calling me stupid when I said nothing negative to you.

Looks like the same blue to me.