New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

you can get the mail shirt from bloodmyst. dunno about legs tho.

I just use this set for my Farstriders.

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I’ve already searched most of this, many of the pieces required to complete a full set requires someone to find the discontinued starter sets that cost a lot, and are considerably rare.

you look fantastic!

And new gear, and sets can always be added, what players want are customizations for their character models themselves.

Imagine if the solution people gave to those who want their velves to look like helves was simply suggesting blue and gold armor. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

For mail I use:

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It looks even better when I fivebox them.

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In such case, you should get penalized cause of the mediocre effort. Those beads without texture that basically demand one to stay in bra and panties and that are exhibited as if the Belf is one christmas tree aren´t precisely decent “customization options”.

That´s the thing dear… Is quite evident that, in regards to the “jewerly” devs went the path of less resistance. Even the NB tatoos evidence more hard work.

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oh thats cool.

I also have a void elf squad. They’re all fabulous.

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i was just trying to help you with the farstrider sets. didnt mean anything by it.

i think i’ll just go play solitaire.

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imagine if you asked for helf customizations and people told you to just put on the windchanneler set as a solution instead lol

Although I DO suggest anyone who does plan on using the helf customization to get the Windchanneler set either way.

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As much as I would love to agree with you, I am actually going to entirely disagree with you.

This is entirely false. Blood Elves still have the exclusivity of there toons, or avatars. We can’t just pick “Blood Elf” and then click “For the Alliance”. No, instead, we gotta roll Void Elf.

Except, it wasn’t the Blood Elf players that created the Blood Elf in the first place, was it? It was Blizzard.

Except, skins were only unique to the Blood Elves on the Horde. There is also Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Worgen (Human Form) that also share skins colours yes?

And once again, Blood Elves players never had ownership. It is like your World of Warcraft account, you have the right to hold the license to it, but Blizzard is the one who can say that they’re the ones who are the owners of it.


i didnt tell you to put that on instead. i said farstriders are already in the belf faction. their gear is/was already available. i didnt realize you meant something specialized.

dang thats ugly lol

It’s what Highvale Elves wear:

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For a Leather user, there’s:

shoulda been a blue recolor of the farstrider leathers. i love that set. even have the green version boots and legs. i think those are mail.

I’m not saying the Farstriders aren’t in the belf faction, merely that their visual themes aren’t represented on player models like they typically are in the novels, and promotional art. These customzations aren’t only about including other subgroups, but expanding on existing theme for our player races like we just saw with the new nelf options.

Gear is easy to make, and we’re gonna see a lot of it as the expansion rolls on, and honestly I already have the perfect helf mog here on my mage. lol