New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

It’s the main reason as to why I don’t care about EE

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I like completely forget it even exists at times.

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This feels weird on my Mag’har. Feels more like a Dwarf thing.

It does feel like a classic Deurgar thing

He has always been mine!

Yo guys, can you stop spamming? It makes it real hard to catch up… and I’m supposed to be running high m+ keys Today… :neutral_face:

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Plenty of me to go around.

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That meanie Avarie refuses to share tho

Avatar is the best ability, especially on zandalari warriors.

They roar constantly.

If pale skins is enough to shut people up, it says something about what those people really wanted. Like you. :slight_smile:

They tried this before and called it void elves and look how that turned out.

My hope is they don’t step on this lego piece the wrong way twice :man_shrugging:


Orcnroll be like: What must I give up to keep up with this thread?
This thread be like:


If I share with you everyone else will want some too.

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Speaking of, I need to get my M+ grind started. Friend of mine wants to raid on Alliance.

And who could blame them?


Lol, perfect.

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imagine a cute little demure nun shows up at your dress shop. she says, i’d really like something uplifting and positive. something befitting my station as a dedicated servant, doing the pantheon’s work

you excuse yourself and come back with a dress with no back, stomach uncovered, glowing purple wings, huge boots and gloves in gaudy golds and purples, and hand it to her.

does she giggle happily and run off with it.
or does she look at you, confused.

she looks at you confused, cause you sold her sister a full set of armor. haha.

If she got a look at my rugged good looks, then yes.


I think I just got diabetes from that.

The ending was great though.


No one could, I mean it’s Reno. But fine, we’ll split our time with him.

I’ll take 23 hours and 30 minutes, and you can have him 30 minutes.

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