New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I tried finding it but the clips are 3 minutes.

How are you being provoked Dorp?

Not sure where you are drawing this conclusion from exactly Dorp. Did you not read what I wrote?

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They should get what ever they like.

Blood elfs and void elfs have the same history.

They would both still rock the same tattoos as each other.

The fact that void elfs and blood elfs have different heritage armors to that degree is odd as they share the same history.

They are both pixels get over yourself people can ask for what they want it doesn’t harm the other side at all. You want to be a blood elf with Arcane torrent great play the horde one.

You want to be a blood elf with teleport great play the alliance one.

You guys getting so bent both ways because your side wants something and the other side wants something, but you cant have it because we need it first is so dumb.

Allied races at this point are core races. They exist in the games lore they do things that effect the world.

The term allied race is simply because we recruit them to be our ally.

If you want to get REAL technical then all races are allied with the exception of.

Humans, Dwarfs, Gnomes and Night elfs for the Alliance.

Orcs, Trolls, Tauren and Forsaken for the Horde.

As they existed in the base game. So it’s a dumb argument let people get what they want enjoy the game and deal with it. You hate one faction then kill the players on that faction.


Mmkay then, lets remove the faction boundary and let any race go wherever since that is what I like. If anyone stands in my way, they are wrong and spiteful and their opinion does not matter.


Oh it just seemed like you were trying to provoke me with what you said, nice for you to clarify that you aren’t I guess?

Did you read the part of “I have no idea how this relates to what I said” in relation to your comment. Let’s go over this again

I posted

To which you responded

I just don’t understand how that has anything to do with it. Elaborate maybe?

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Yeah, specifically was hoping I could just find the line by itself, I wasn’t going to drop a whole several minute scene into the thread for just the one line, lol. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You didn’t even read what I said. Since its about void elfs and blood elfs being litterally the same race and having the same history.


Why would the Void Elves share the same heritage armor with Blood Elves?

You have some people saying BE fans need to ask for more unique stuff things, and then others trying to take those things too I’m a bit at a loss.

I said similar. Not the same. Also maybe because they are both blood elfs they both have the same heritage.

Neither end is a monolith, individuals will differ on their specific opinions, and sometimes those are going to contradict pretty hard with what someone else said (which is why treating this stuff as “teams” gets messy and I don’t like it).

fwiw on this specific thing sharing the heritage armor is
 pretty out there, imo. I don’t love the Void Elf heritage armor but I don’t think that means we should get access to a different one, lol.

Edit: re-read what this was in reference to, apologies, I was hasty in that. I do think it’s weird that they’re that wildly different from each other. But it’s what they went with, and I kind of think going back and changing it at this point would
 Maybe not be a great precedent to set.

I prefer the VE one by miles but I don’t want it for BEs the BE heritage is inherently Blood Elf, and vice versa.

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I’m saying they should have had a similar look. As they are the exact same race. Not the exact same because they have the exact same history up to the point of going purple.

It doesnt make sense to be so drastically different.

Example they could have gone with the blue and silver color scheme for the void elfs opposed to the gaudy purple and gold. With that bad chest piece. The best part about it is the wings it gives.

Yea. My set is pretty bad the helm is horrible. They should re work it or something.

Yeah, I misread what you said initially, sorry for that.

I agree that it’s kind of an odd choice given their background. But at the end of the day it is what it is.

That said I’m all for variant versions of the heritage sets being a thing. I don’t think they can stray too far from their original designs, but there’s some room for that to be explored there (maybe one with an actual shirt for Velves?)

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Rommath®s tatoos are the freaing same as Alleria (we only see the upper part of his face and they®re a plain red color); reason why I rather he gets a -very deserving- update with more distinct “magical” tatoos (something closer to the NB NPC tatoos but in fel/green or red color).

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Nope. I was making an observation. Provocation would involve
doing something to annoy you.

Blood elves are high elves.
Void elves WERE blood elves.
Even if biologically they aren’t high elves anymore, it doesn’t matter, its their origin. So if all these helfers were all about thestory, they wouldn’t have cared about the way velves looked because they had the story they wanted.

The reason people are going “you’re not a high elf”, is because they’re against unmaking everything that makes a velf a velf.

I did, I wanted to address a singular point of what you said.

I just wish the helm was separate from the wings ugh. And they didn’t have those lame popped collars.

I have the same issue with the nightborne dress and chinplate as well.

That ignores the whole concept of it being only about void elfs and blood elfs. You ignored that part making it seem like something that it wasnt.

I am opposite with regards to what’s preferred lol. I love the Blood Elf one, based on the fact that there is story behind it. Plus, I enjoy the look wayy more so.

The void elf set, on the other hand, doesn’t have that story iirc. To me, it just screams “here’s some void armour for you! It has Wings :D”. It really does nothing for me, other than look “cool”.

I mean, I still use the Void Elf one, but, if I had to say which I use moreso, it’s the Blood Elf set 100%.

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The wings are tied to the chest. They should.have just been a cloak.

Both the void elf and nightborn sets need some love.

As well as all the sets need the other tints put into the game.


I want high elf heritage armor.