New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I see some players have made over 400 post here, lol.

I am not even going to try to follow the conversation, I can imagine was it is all about.

Please explain, i don’t recall seeing High Elves aid in the burning of a world tree, or any abhorrent thing that the Horde has done. I recall BLOOD ELVES doing so but not High Elves. Physical characteristics, yes! Politics and history, no!

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High Elf Fans: I want I want I want.
Blood Elf Fans: Nananana booboo stick your head in doodoo.
Both: Screeching about lore.

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I did not, that is a rather intimate nickname. O_o

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a blood elf cant look like a dwarf human or gnome hyper

a blood elf still cant be mistaken for these races with any hairstyle

void elves can now look identical to a blood elf minus natural hair colors. jewellery invisible under armor does nothing to create distance between a void/blood elf

void elves shouldnt get tattoos representing one of the 3 pillars of the blood elven army. they should get more things representing further void corruption and old god influence. more old gold aesthetics. just look at corrupted garrosh with eyeballs and claws. making them look even more like a blood elf along with their themes instead of a void unique theme for a void elf is the stupidest thing blizzard can do


Then i apologize, Mr. Broflake!! <3

I thought so. :laughing:

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and this is why you need to start advocating for things that will differentiate you. like new hairstyles, maybe a new idling animation, something, anything.


fixed~ /10char


As I said earlier in the thread, the entire Shadowlands customization overhaul runs contrary to the notion of a single identity for each race and I personally don’t think it’s fair for any race to get pigeonholed into a single identity when everyone else is being given relative carte blanche to be what they want to be.

Blizzard said they are adding more customization so we can make our characters the way we want them to be, such that we can make a Wildhammer Dwarf out of a Dwarf. If that same intent also applies to Void Elves (and I think it’s fair to assume it does), then would that not mean that Blizzard wants us to be able to make our Alliance High Elf characters out of Void Elves?


It’s all i saw when i first joined these forums tbh. “Roll Horde” “No, you’re a void elf and no amount of customization will change that” like
 okay? Your opinion means WHAT to my high elf?


I can’t win.
I am going to make some pancakes and call it a day.
Maybe make a coca cola syrup for cooking later.

And here comes Dorp to troll and belittle those who don’t agree with him.
You guys mind getting a handle on one of the bad actors that stirs things up?

Don’t fuel the fire. Or else. I am chasing you in PvP


Except I’m not, but since I trigger you so much with my basic reasoning I guess you see it as trolling.

Have fun.


I addressed you by your name!! What did i do wrong!! D:?

I’m starting to think you don’t like me
! >:(

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It just comes to show that this isn’t about having access to high elves anymore, it’s just about people being spiteful and bitter towards others getting something.

The fact that people have to go out of they’re way to say “BUT UR STILL NOT A HIGH ELF SO HAH” to people who are happy about new customization is really
really sad.


First, I should point out that wowpedia exists. So does WC3.

Secondly, there is a problem with terminology because High Elves both are a species and a political alignment.

For the sake of clarity, I’m going to refer to the species as Thalassian Elves and the political alignment as High Elves.

Let’s go over the lore.
‱ Thalassian Elves left the Alliance after WC2. Some remained out in outposts and a few stuck around with the Alliance but for the most part a majority of those people left and became isolationists.

‱ After the Zombie Apocalypse, Kael’thas renamed the species to Blood Elves. He did this before Garithos tried to genocide the elves a second time.

‱ Some missed the memo or didn’t change their name. Those are High Elves.

‱ The lore is fuzzy here but given what has been said, a group of loud objectors to the new ways Rommath brought back were exiled. These exiles changed their name to High Elves as well.

The Thalassian Elves, a majority now called Blood Elves, came out of isolation and Sylvanas recruited them to the Horde. After Garithos and Arthas I can’t blame them.

The majority of Thalassian Elves had already been long gone from the Alliance when Blood Elves became introduced.

From here see Bro’s lore arguments.
Starting with this post: New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves - #9721 by Broflake-illidan


I don’t feel anything in regards to what you say Dorp. Pointing out your behavior does seem to bother you.

I don’t like anyone Aleona.

If people cared about being a high elf, then they wouldn’t have been so bothered by the void elves looking the way they did.


I tried really hard to find a clip of the “I am so tired” line from Into the Spiderverse to post in here and couldn’t.

So just pretend I found one and did that.

Huh? Why are you trying to provoke me, very unnecessary

I have no idea how this relates to what I said lol. So you basically think it’s okay for people to behave this way?


Yess!! I’ve said it since DAY ONE on being on these forums. “Bitter and spiteful for no reason” I get like presenting arguments against what we are getting but the nasty “It doesn’t matter, you’re not a high elf” “Roll Horde” “If you want x, go play a blood elf”

The only thing we were doing was being excited and over the moon over what we were getting. I agree with you Dorp!