Mr. Broflake!! It is not semantics, Blood Elves carved an entirely new history when they left, they are NOT the same as High Elves. They continued to fight and uphold HORDE values while the High Elves that we have now DO NOT. It’s a CLEAR distinction and the best example is when Elisande addresses each of them separately.
She doesn’t look at the Blood Elves and say “You HIGH ELVES ally with misfits and monsters” because she knows that it’s not who they are anymore. Each of the factions that she addressed had distinct and separate personalities, and i’m sorry to tell you but they’re just not the High Elves WE are asking for.
It’s not semantics, it’s facts and that quest line defeats your argument in a nutshell. It was even written in by Blizzard to draw a DISTINCT line between each of the races to show that they aren’t the same by any means.
The Void theme is not going to be forgotten! We are still Void Elves! Alleria is the best example for it! She is a Void Elf, is she not?
that blueish tint would look so cool! I want to look like the traditional male Thalassian Dark Rangers we see myself idk what options that would be but dead looking and red eyes for sure.
I personally think this Blood Elf / Void Elf announcement should have waited until BEs had a cool new feature beyond shared blue eyes as well (like Dark Ranger themes) and hopefully something is coming soon because this is as they said when they are doing core races not ARs so hopefully our beloved core race gets these customizations a lot of us want.
currently, humans, dwarves, gnomes and blood elves have the same skin colors. you were already homogenized when you were created with those skin colors. you were further homogenized when you were given human hairstyles and draenei hairstyles. so now that velfs have added to the homogenity, it’s a good time to ask for things to differentiate you. asking that velfs not get something isnt very productive. asking belfs get something is more likely to produce the effect you want - exclusivity in a sea of human skin colored races.
It’s why I tend to say I think “differently” than many other people. There are certain common behaviors/reactions I observe people having that I just don’t really get.
Like when people feel that a mount that’s easy to get and common to see being used has less value than one that is much more difficult to get and less commonly seen being used. This doesn’t make any sense to me. I value a mount for the aesthetic appeal it has for me, not how rare it is or how often I see people using it.
The same issue came up for me back in TBC pre-patch. As a vanilla Grand Marshal, I had people expecting me to be upset when they retired the original honor system and allowed people to buy the GM gear with accrued honor points as a currency.
I wasn’t and I didn’t (and still don’t) understand why they’d think I should be. Just because that gear was easier to get compared to what I had to go through to get it, and became more common to see people using, didn’t do anything to diminish the experience I had getting it or the value the the gear had for me.
I just don’t value things based on comparison to how many people have them or if something changed to make it much easier for people to get them. It doesn’t diminish how much I value those things.
Eh not only is it not urgent compared to real world events but even in WoW Void Elves are an AR and they said they weren’t doing AR stuff right now, this obviously a cool treat but it’s annoying if an AR is taking attention from a Core race during core race customizations and will get more during assumably AR updates. So not really urgent, unless maybe you’re talking about BEs then I do feel they should as the core race between this thread topic of Blood Elf and Void Elf take precedence during core race updates.
Pretty much why I argue that new skin colors and hair colors could easily be borrowed from humans, dwarves, gnomes, etc.
Blood elves don’t own exclusivity to every hair color in the game that isn’t purple or swampy blue, that’s not how things work…like other races have blonde, brown hair and light skin too, not just blood elves.
Anywho, I’m crossing my fingers for dark ranger skins for blood elves or forsaken since shadowlands is the perfect opportunity to add them.
Hey! Don’t try calling me papi like it might affect me! Blood elves continued their history after the events of WC3 and TBC, but that does not mean they gave up their past. If anything, from the heritage quest, they consider the past and what they have gone through as important to them. That includes their history prior to the events of WC3.
The horde values aren’t that different from the alliance. The horde values are a desire to survive, and to have independence. This isn’t any different from the way the night elves are holding themselves to survive and be independent from an alliance that has been ineffectual to help them as allies.
As for Elisande, she speaks to them in a way to insult them. This is why she mocks Vereesa and those following her for holding the name high elves. They themselves dont honor the name as the blood elves had.
BUt they are, they are the same people just a different political ideology. THis is not any different than the Horde requesting humans, simply because the fog sail group allies with the Horde in BFA. This doesn’t mean humans should be on the Horde in anyway. It doesn’t mean those humans are not humans. On can’t say “well they’re not the humans we’re asking for” because it is simply dishonest to suggest that they are intrinsically different in some way.
Per Blizzard, per the devs, they are the same people, just different political views. Thats it.
That isn’t going to help you.
Alleria is such a good example that people said We want to look like Alleria because she looks like a high elf..
That is the only reason they point to Alleria as a void elf. They want her look when she is non-voidy, they don’t care for her cool void look.
No, they want to look like a high elf, because they can’t get over the high elf people changing their name and going to the Horde, so they’d rather kill the void elf theme by making it completely optional rather than have it be a part of their character.
“I want to turn off entropic embrace”
“I want natural skin!”
“I want natural hair color”
“I want paladins”
Now perhaps you may not view it this way, but many do.
Frankly, I think it is a shame, and knowing how Blizzard functions, they’ll simply play on this desire and leave whatever void elf themes are there and not expand on them.
I’ve tried reading such articles, and I get that these are feelings people have, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around why. Like my mount example… what about a mount’s rarity makes it more valuable than one I can buy from a vendor? The rarity doesn’t play any part in my value system but it obviously does for many other people and I can’t really understand why. If a mount has aesthetics I really appreciate, I value it regardless of how difficult or easy it is to acquire.
blizz decided to do this, and then made a thread about it. so naturally, those involved - belfs and velfs - are speaking up about what they’d like. i mean the velf community had assumed we were forgotten. just stuffed in a dark corner. but surprise, they actually thought about us. excuse our enthusiasm.
No because you’re actively trying to take away/prevent.
You would be alot more productive requesting something for your beloved race instead of being spiteful towards others who want something for their own race. You’re providing absolutely nothing useful be being detrimental to others for no reason.
There’s a huge difference between saying “I would like x race to have” vs “I would like for this person to not have”.
Hey! You gave yourself that nickname, i’m only enforcing it ! It fits you <3
I just disagree HEAVILY but that’s okay! <3 I’m also not for removing entropic embrace because it’s so awesome but that’s just me! I DO however think that we should be able to look like our leader, that just seems fair to me.
Some people are still acting like that as they have their next list of requests. Which is fine, I agree with those requests I just don’t think it should come before Blood Elves who are the core race, during core race customizations. And Blood Elf fans are feeling left out during the customization period that is more about them.