New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Looks nice.


Indeed that does look nice


There was probably a more diplomatic way to word this

Not that I’m in a position to dictate or judge. I’ve made a few posts myself that obviously could have been worded more diplomatically.

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man it is urgent. dunno if you live in the usa, but dude, its going down in these parts. any business is in danger

trying to think of a better way to word it. dont think there is. lol

Well if it were me, I’d avoid terms like “X” or “Y”. I can see how those might raise some people’s dander.

EDITED: since original post was deleted I vaguerized the terms so as not to not invalidate the deletion. I decided not to delete this so as not to turn the flow of convo into a head scratcher.

eh i just deleted it. the person i responded to, said it good enough.


Good on ya! I got the point you were trying to make though. I just figure if both sides make even a little effort here and there, we might make this topic a bit more pleasant for everyone.

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it’s not our fault that you refuse or are incapable of understanding that other people think differently about this than you do.

‘dear lord’ it’s your problem not ours.


You don’t have to get it to realize it’s just some people’s preference and there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s no reason to get all upset at them or think less of them for it.


I’m going to have to dig deep to find the right parallel and therefore the right comparison.

I think in the case of Blood Elf players being unhappy about a dwindling distinctiveness it has something to do with brand exclusivity but it also has to do with feelings of identity and ownership. The former I will need to research because I’m on the spectrum and I don’t get it but I do get the later so I’m going to focus on that frame of view.

Identification and Ownership
Some people tend to become attached to their avatars on games—this is probably because the human brain is stupid and empathizes with anything that has humanoid traits including but not limited to animated toasters and people playing sportsball. So let’s presume that people are like me and have played a Belf since BC. It’s their thing, their aesthetic, they’ve poured themselves into it. They identify with it. This is probably also why people do things like get a faction tatoo.

Art is another thing that people pour themselves into. Artists, especially when doing personal art, become highly attached. Now let’s say someone takes that art without permission and reposts it, claims it as theirs, or traces it. You could say that the artist should be thankful for the exposure, or that it’s fine because no money was made and the artist hasn’t lost the original art, but the artist has had their exclusivity robbed from them. Something they felt they had ownership and poured themselves into was used by someone else without consent and that person benefitted from the social currency of attention. Having had my art stolen before I can confirm it feels like a terrible violation.

Blood Elf players lost the exclusivity of their avatar, which they identify deeply with, and this was done without their consent so they’re not happy and may feel violated but what will be will be—It wasn’t a carbon copy. Void Elves are blue.

Blood Elf players are now finding more things that were a part of their identity cannibalized by Void Elves—Skins. A thing they feel ownership was taken (in the copyright infringement sense) without their consent. They feel violated, but it’s only skins. Some of us are happy for those who wanted this to get what they want.

But there’s a fear—Knowing how lazy Blizzard is, how do we know that they’re not just going give everything to Void Elves and completely destroy the distinctiveness of Blood Elves? I mean, it’s Blizzard, they’re pretty tone deaf. To Blood Elf players who identify with their avatars and have a sense of ownership of them, this feels like a major violation.

So we speak up with our concerns and express that we want to keep some exclusivity—begging for scraps—let us keep something reasonably substantial. We’re called gatekeeper (as a trans person I feel this makes light of my plight), we’re accused of not sharing as if nothing has been taken without our consent, we’re called selfish for our concerns as others demand more and more of the variables that make our digital selves unique, and told our concerns are negative and therefore invalid. It’s actually kinda messed up.


Her dearest cousin to be exact. Which is why she comes as particularly airheaded, prejudiced and hypocritical when instead of putting the blame wholefully in the responsible party (A.K.A. Zendarin and Sintharia), she rather condemned the whole freaking Belf group -as if Zendarin would not had been grossly punished / maybe even killed cause Rommath is quite strict-. Silvermoon wasnÂŽt even involved ffs.

Also, Veeresa hates Lor’themar God knows why and vice versa; so I doubt she has some sort of fixation regarding the Magisters per se (Khadgar®s remark about preventing Veeresa®s suicide by proxy of bothering Rommath could be more a reference regarding Rommath as a pretty brash individual -and as we have seen Veeresa is prejucided AND hypocritical, so

Side media has her making dumb comments about LorÂŽthemar; she just decided to hate Belves cause in her narrowminded brain the sins of her cousin = sins of a nation.

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I appreciate the explanation.

I still don’t understand the why of those feelings of “ownership” but just because I don’t get it doesn’t mean those feelings aren’t real to those who have them.

Is that not what happened with High Elves though? They have been strictly on the Alliance side (for the most part) and were given to the Horde. We also lost something unique to us that we have been asking for since they were introduced.

I don’t see Belves mentioning that, the fact that a race that is primarily alliance (Silver covenant, how they were in alliance camps with Tyrande etc
) was given to the Horde? So i think it’s only fair that Velves also receive customization options for that too. You gained something strictly from the Alliance side and now the Alliance is gaining something too, it’s a fair trade.


It’s basic human nature. When people identity with, empathize with, and pour themselves into something, like an avatar or a fandom they get attached.

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I’m in love! I truly want all the hair styles and colors that helves have! I don’t think that’s unfair to ask for seeing as how they are already Alliance.

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But I don’t feel these things. Does that mean I’m not human? I mean, I identify with my characters, empathize with them, and pour myself into them, but I don’t feel this sense of ownership and exclusivity of this model or that skin color. I never have for any character of any race I have. If Blizzard gave a straight up carbon copy of Humans to the Horde, it wouldn’t phase me in the slightest.

Posting here again to echo my Dark Ranger Customization thread. I am getting concerned that those us of in the “Dark Ranger Club” are not going to get what we want. Unless they’re planning to make them an allied race, class, or adding them via questline there’s not really any excuse to not include Dark Ranger options.

We’d like the the options already in game and some with tear markings, wounds, and decay with damaged ear options. Maybe even a pale bluish tint like Sylvanas had on her in game model.

As for non-Dark Ranger options I’d like to see, I’d like farstrider tattoos, piercings, and more “wild” hairstyles. While what we have is nice, it’s still more of the same without indulging in other racial fantasies, such as Farstrider and Magister (those arcane tattoos.) Yes, I get it, Blood Elves are pretty and sophisticated but there are other facets to the race.

Plus, the bracelets and body jewelry are going to be pretty useless if you want to wear armor and not parade around mostly naked.


I would love that for you guys! I don’t know what would be better an allied race undead or just customization because as an allied race it MIGHT be too limiting, maybe?

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my biggest want with night elves was the leaves in the hair aesthetic, which created even more distance between them and nightborne. blizzard knows blood elves want their farstrider tattoos not trash jewellery armor covers up. hunters need tattoos representing the farstriders and magister types need runic tattoos. give something unique to blood elves to create distance from void elves again
