New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Not quite.
Things like jewelry and hair styles? Not a big deal. Anyone can wear jewelry and do their hair.
The issue with velfs and belfs is that they share the same model.
So because they received the same skins as belfs, there is now nothing differentiating the two at the fundamental level.
You can take your velf, and look like a belf, but you cant take a belf and look like a velf.

That is what people have issues with.
It is not the number of options, it is the diversity of those options.

Why would I go to an ice cream store if they sellonly blueberry ice cream, when I can go next door and get blueberry OR strawberry?


I don’t understand how both you and talendrion are having such a difficult time understanding the concept.

I’m really hoping they even give some of the Leaf assets to Void/High Elves as well for those who really want to go for the Celtic/Ranger look. Even some of the Greenish Night Elf hair colors could look good for them.

Indeed, to you, and I respect that, I do. It’s just like I said earlier above, different perspectives and preferences. There are two sides to this debate after all, therefor disagreements.

Interesting to know. As for me, I’ve never played on the Alliance side, never will, and for example I genuinely love Night elves, but will not play them because they’re on the Alliance. You see though, I respect that. I would have to make a trade off to play them, by switching factions and walking out on my Horde, I like the stakes that racial uniqueness enforces.


yes something we did not want to happen in the first place, as it can be eternally used to deny us any requests for customizations that fall within normal human appearance - because belfs have all those already. same thing happens with classes. just because you think its ok for velfs to have shaman, doesnt mean other shamans think its okay for velfs to have shaman. if this were a democratic vote, velfs would be voted out of most of the game’s functions.

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I need a tally of number of times you have refused to answer that simple question. I’m just going to assume you don’t have a good answer.

 ridonk. Draenei also had just a draenei theme, doesn’t meant they didn’t get more options
 like for real, most races have gotten their already established themes EXPANDED, why wouldn’t that be true for Void Elves?

Or you want Void Elves to have their theme expanded in a way no other race had?

Because it has literally happened for every core race

Like I literally don’t know what you mean with this.

What is actually your point here? what is the argument you are making? This is so devoid of anything.

Or you just don’t have a good answer, kindly admit that.

It’s just downright hilarious you find more worthwhile repeating “oh you just won’t accept the reason” rather than
 just making the argument why exclusivity is important and desirable.


Sure, don’t address any of my points, don’t admit how hilariously wrong is that you think I am bothered that BE’s are on the Horde.

Like for real dude, you claim “i don’t get your point” when you actually believe I don’t like Blood Elves. You are not having a conversation with me, you are having a conversation with a version of me that only exists on your head.


It could be because we think differently than the average person.

I genuinely don’t understand why people value things that are rare or exclusive then. It just doesn’t compute to my brain. I just don’t value things that way.

I don’t care what other people have or how easy or difficult it was for them to get it. I only care about what I have and how difficult or easy it was for me to get it. It doesn’t affect how I value the thing I got.


Eh, it just means the void elf theme won’t be played on in deeper detail.

If I had a tally for the “you haven’t explained it” after explaining it, it would surely outnumber yours Tal.

It is reality. Do you not work in any form of development?

I am sorry this is ridiculous.
Are you really comparing every other race to velfs right now?
Velfs are the only race currently that share a model with the Horde. This makes the matter substantally different because anything you do to dranei expands on them entirely and on them alone.
With void elves? They gave them the blood elf look which is huge expansion in itself. You don’t need to do anymore work from there.

You may want more void elf themes, but hey, it doesn’t need to be done because they already have a void elf theme AND a high elf theme. That saves time, money, and effort. Their development is done as I said.

Are you so obstinate that you don’t realize how ridiculous this sounds?
you’re honestly comparing the matter of velfs, to every other core race
when only velfs share a model.

this isn’t a case of not understanding but a case of refusing to get the point.

Other races are not comparable because they aren’t sharing anything.

Sorry it took me a minute to figure out to respond to this but
 this is just cognitive dissonance at this point.
This is as basic a metaphor as I can give you, and if you dont get the point, its because you don’t want to.

Have you ever considered its simply because you don’t listen? This is a rather constant theme with you where, someone explains it, you declare their explanation invalid (without any reason why its invalid), then sit on a horse and say “I WIN BECAUSE NO ONE HAS A GOOD ANSWER!”.
you win because people aren’t interested in bashing their head against the wall.

If you didn’t get it with the ice cream metaphor, you’re never going to get it dude.
I am rather done engaging in this conversation with you. There is clearly a gap that you just can’t cross for some reason or another.
I am sure if a helfer explains it to you, you might get it then.


Mmm, but why tho? Why deprive yourself from experimenting the story from both sides if you are interested on the world?

Like, my guild is Horde, and I do all my progression stuff there, Alliance side I just mostly play for the experience tbh. I like to experience the story from different races and perspectives, so I have lots of alts to relax on.

I enjoy the narrative, so to me, the Alliance/Horde dichotomy allows me to experience it from both sides, which is amazing for me, and has really enrichened my experience.

So enforcing an aesthetic segregation that counters lore, goes against my enjoyment of the game, you know? I loved the Purge of Dalaran from both sides, it was so great to experience that from both sides, and it was the moment that I actually started to want HE’s to be playable. The idea of this civil war based on ideology was so good, and it is a shame it has never been realized in full.


You did notice it was basically a counter to your post about how you don’t get the other side?

It’s a matter of taste.

Uniqueness is memorability. It’s setting it out from the crowd. It should mean that each race is more of a choice than just “How do I want to look and on what faction” Right now in wow, it mainly just influences the start of your journey, but it could be more. Each race should ideally leave its mark upon the story of the character being played.

It is taste, some people prefer that.

And am I wrong. Since you changed my statement to not mean what I said anymore.

Why are you so upset that Blizzard stuck the High Elves of WC2 & 3 on the Horde in TBC?


Nope. Your method of thinking is the same as everyone else. The issue is that you aren’t thinking about it the way other people think about the issue.
You’re trying to frame it in the way you think about it.

He never said that dude.

I am wondering if this is what you’re doing the entire time. If what you’re reading does not match what people have written.
Tarrok didn’t say you disliked blood elves.
He asked why you disagree with the design decision to place them where they are.

Anyways, off to bed.

I am not interested in circular dance so
refrain from your replies I wont be reading em

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Added to the tally.

Oh look who’s trying to make an authority argument! Tell us all how much dev time asset swaps make. Let’s rememember your point here is that asset swapping HE aesthetics will take enough time that developing VE stuff will be out of the question!

Ridonk indeed!

Added to the tally

I mean the fact alone that you think that VE’s have an asset swapped HE theme they don’t need a customization expansion the way any CR got and AR should get on itself is enough to dismiss this nonsense.

I mean you are the one saying that because VE’s got some asset swaps they won’t get VE expanded customization, so

Even Fyre makes the point clearer than you.

Yeah, you do suck at making a concise point, not going to lie.


Loyalty to the faction I’ve always played comes at a price, I wouldn’t feel that sense of faction pride if I simply played on both factions at the same time. I’d quit the game before I do that. Having a feel of belonging to a specific faction was one of the foundations that Blizzard pushed for this MMO, but I fully understand that it’s not for everyone.

Also, let me ask you the same question: Why do you deprive yourself from playing the race that already has the features you’re hoping get cloned to the void elves? Those few left over unique aspects that haven’t already been given to the Void elves, are there for Blood elves, so why? Wait, you want them on the Alliance! But I thought you played on both factions, so what’s the issue? Faction loyalty isn’t it? Funny how that works both ways.

Oh maybe you do already play Blood elves? There you go then, you have your High elves. :slight_smile:

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In this post, Talendrion continues to display an inability to understand the points explained to him, while attempting to compare the person he is speaking to, to Fyre, as if such a thing is an insult.

You simply just have issues getting the point dude. This is how ALL arguments end with you.
You not getting the point over and over and over.
People get tired of explaining it in simpler and simpler terms.
You begin making snide remarks.
They get tired of it and point out how you’re behaving.
You make more snide remarks, then get upset no one wants to deal with your attempt at intellectualism.

Congrats. You killed the discussion again.

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I did, you do that a lot.

I’m pointing out the false equivalence of adding something against preventing someone else to get something similar because you have it. All in the name of exclusivity.

-How do you “set yourself from the crowd” when the option is a binary
-isn’t an actual choice of alignment more meaningful than an arbitrary “this race goes here”

Why do you keep thinking I am upset about Blood Elves being on the Horde? What is this about???


Why do you keep saying blood elves?

also, really, why am I bothering with all this nonsense when this dropped today?

Ok you made my eyes cross with that post. Wut?

My method of thinking is the same as everyone else

But I’m not thinking about it the way other people think about it

I’m trying to frame it in the way I think about it

That post has more twists than a pretzel factory. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I just don’t value things the way I see many people value them. The rarity/exclusivity doesn’t make something more valuable to me. I don’t know why.


I totally understand that sentiment, but I don’t understand why that belonging is limited by aesthetic choices. Which is why I like the HE/BE divide. They CHOSE their factions in actual, based on ideology.

True choice of Horde and Alliance feels far more meaningful.

Exactly, I don’t deprive myself from playing Blood Elves. My Main horde is a Belf (well
 my two horde mains are Belves ;D)

But as I said, as someone that likes to experience the game from different perspectives, Blood Elves just aren’t High Elves in the way the Silver Covenant are High Elves, you know? Again. the whole Purge and Isle of thunder really get me going in terms of political divide, I just love the stuff.

Blood Elves are the inheritors of a ravaged homeland, re-imagining themselves to survive. What’s not to love?

High Elves are the scattered remains of a long gone ideal, clinging to an existence that might face away. What’s not to love?


Sorry, I jumped a couple of points ahead of you there.
Your way of thinking is not different from anyone else.

It is hard to understand where someone is coming from, because, like many other people, understanding how someone else thinks is difficult. It is difficult to understand how someone views things unless you 180 yourself.