New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

You need a mog that gives the illusion of your head floating in a crystal ball!

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Cool additions,

I would like Blizzard to add the Skinny Kultiran human model walking around Boralus to Kultiran character customization, maybe a toggle option would be cool.


I love that silly little head!

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It kills me when he first shows up with it, he sounds SO proud!


Oh, the head in the crystal ball?
Iā€™m trying something new!


Hey guys, after reading some of the last 3k or so replies that I missed, I noticed that most of the talk was about what Void Elves and Blood Elves should get or not, which lead to a toxic discussion.

So, instead of telling others what they can or cannot ask for Void Elves/Blood Elves, why we wonā€™t focus in what we want to see for Void Elves and Blood Elves personally and let Blizzard decides what they think fits or not?

Letā€™s try this? I mean since both sides still want something for their beloved race, itā€™s a waste to fight each other continuously here, instead of using this precious time, space, and energy for useful feedback.



Thatā€™s how we know you didnt read the last 3k replies.

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The last few were good, but around 6-9k was rough.


Is this more of the toxic ā€œIf your tastes differ from ours and you advocate for features that you feel are better for the game, but that would require limiting how much of our requests get implemented, youā€™re being bad.ā€ nonsense?


Ok, guys listen, Iā€™m not getting into this. Iā€™m going to follow my own advice.

But hugs to everyone though!



Itā€™s a simple request to ā€œAsk for customization options we want for X race instead of arguing about who should or shouldnā€™t get whatā€

It doesnā€™t have to be any more complicated than that unless you choose to make it so.


Some people just happen to have a bad habit of framing the requests of the people who donā€™t want the same thing as they do as being gatekeeping or similar negative terms.


And some people have a difficult time knowing the difference between

asking for X option for Y race


asking that Y race not get X option

But Iā€™m not going to speak on this further. Iā€™m going to follow Archmageā€™s example and move on.

Iā€™ll leave you with something to chew on thoughā€¦ I found common ground with Broflake on features weā€™d both like to see added to Blood Elves. Why not join in the discussion about things you want to see added to whatever race catches your fancy?


Because the things I want to see are the void themes expanded on and strengthened in the void elves, as thatā€™s more interesting to me. And I prefer more unique races that bring their own things into the gameā€™s story and less copy pastes that go back against story themes I found to be more interesting.

I get that you donā€™t share that taste, and I donā€™t think that even though you getting your requests means that my requests get denied, that the reason you are making the request is to attack others, but because you have different tastes than I do. Iā€™d just like the same courtesy that my tastes are just a taste in game style and coming from the same type of place as your request, just me letting it be known to blizzard the things I enjoy in the game and donā€™t want to see thrown away completely in favor of another set of tastes.


I think youā€™re confused about meā€¦

I like the void themes! I want more void themed options for void elves in addition to more neutral options that can work for a High Elf aesthetic, or just plain look good mixed with the void aesthetic.

So lets talk about what void themed options youā€™d like to see added to Void Elves!

For me, Iā€™d like to see an option to look like I am in Entropic Embrace form all the time. Iā€™d also like to see an option to add tentacles to non-tentacled hair (as well as remove tentacles from tentacled hair). Iā€™d also like to see coal black and bone white skin tone options.


I say charcoal black and ivory white!

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Iā€™ll take it!

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A nice light red hair just screams void elf. Yep. Definitely.

Something I think that can give a distinct look to Void Elves would be two shades of color intersecting in their hair, like starting at Blue and fading into Black/Purple, or White into Blue/Purple/Red, Gray into Black/Purple, etc.

I canā€™t provide images but I think you get it.


I am boring and want plain red hair, but that would be a cool option as well!

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