New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves


Again, it’s like the regular Orc one but worse.

Such a shame that they decided to be “thematic” with the regular Orc racials for the Mag’har.

Like the poison/disease one instead of stun duration.

It just cheated the Mag’har out of any good racials, because the regular Orc ones were so good to begin with, there was nowhere to go but down.

Tell me about it.

What must I give up so that I can make my Warrior look like Garrosh instead of green?

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Ahah I laughed harder than I should have


yikes. ya need some dev love.

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boy, i tell ya switchin back and forth between classic and retail reminds ya. i keep trying to summon my vendor mount

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Oh wait, it’s been buffed to a whole 10% apparently! :upside_down_face:
I wouldn’t know, since my Mag’har is a Warrior. So for me it does literally nothing!

Instead I get to reap such benefits as:
10% reduction on the duration of poisons, diseases, and curses!
An active to give me a random secondary stat for 12 seconds! (instead of, ya know, main stat like green Orcs, or even choosing a secondary stat)

What do you mean I have to buy food and water?
(unless you’re a mage)

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yes, yes i am. hehe

Hey, me too!
(I haven’t played Classic in a while though)

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To be fair, Preternatural Calm does jack for Somand, but at least it’s useful for casters.

Better than nightborne

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Isn’t everything though?

Poor Nightborne really got shafted.

But hey, free mailbox!

It’s not like anyone else can do that, right?


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Can I be the queen?


It means they always have a place to dance.


I don’t see why not.


no !!

Liadrin is the Queen in the north!!!

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Yeah, and they used to be even worse! Pretty sure I remember their active being single target, and only slowing by 40% or 30%.

And in beta they didn’t even have a combat active iirc.

Pfft Liadrin can get in line.

You have a gift. Never stop.


I’m like the Khadgar of this thread. :smile: