New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Insert joke about all Blood Elves being female

I have a fondness for plate dresses for whatever reason. The spellbreaker look is particularly appealing to me. I’d play my Blood Elf a hell of a lot more if we could get the shield and glaive too


I tend to like them too. I’m wearing this set on this guy, and I also put my DK into one.

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Now I think DK could pull of a Void Knight better than a Warrior.

We do have tons of shadow magic types.

“Shadow Elf” sounds so much better than “Void Elf” imo

Void is always shadow but shadow isn’t always void. Important distinction and means they can’t just swap the names as they’re not interchangeable.

I actually prefer Void Elf myself. Besides, DnD has Shadow Elves.

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They should have eye tattoos.

My Blood Elf Paladin has worn judgement robes since BC. Haha.

It’s going to be amusing using the new helf customization in the Sunwell dungeon where you actually play as one of the High elves defending the Sunwell from Arthas and the Undead.

I purposely never finished the heritage quest past that part on this character solely because I really enjoy that instance. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Doesn’t that quest make you into a ghostly High Elf anyway? It was kinda buggy on that for me, since Lance and I did it in a group.

That happens rarely in my experience - it is really buggy though because it’s completely random whether or not you’ll be a transparent helf or a normal one when you use the Sunwell lamp. But usually you only need to walk out of the instance once or twice to fix it and then the rest plays out perfectly fine.

Shadow elf sounds cooler than void elf.

It’s going to be strange seeing pseudo high elves walking stormwind still being void elves though.

Me, right now? :upside_down_face:

I wondered why you were so pinkish but I see the lighting from your staff has something to do with it lol.

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That is not the voice i expected to hear.

I had something in my throat.

I mean…im…not sure how to respond tothat


Sorry, got a very busy day. I was only able to do it now.

New eyes (Took some liberty with jewelry, BTW):

For comparison, old eyes:

The new eye has slightly more contrast than the old one. Close-up you’ll notice little difference, but the pupil is more noticeable when you are seeing it from farther away.