New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

If anything I feel like body jewelry is more appropriate for nightborne.

Blood elves should get tattoos over body jewelry, or just both, but if I had to choose it would def be tattoos.


I would be fine with runic tattoos ONLY IF they were very visible. If you canā€™t tell at a glance right away that I have them, then donā€™t bother.

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Yeah, I would prefer if they were the kind you could actually see.

This is the way.

Secrets are not the way.

I meanā€¦she is pretty good looking.
Triangular face, fine features, husky voice, the only downside?
She is rotten and smells bad.
Saurfang clearly lost because of it.

Hey! She has a glandular problem!

Or they could just make it easier and give faction specific colored ranger tats in Alleriaā€™s style since they are the more popular of the tattoo choices on both sides.


The glandular problem is they are rotting like the rest of her.

Ranger tats! Ranger tats! Ranger tats!


That would be nice. Though if they could provide options for both Farstriders and Magisters, all the better.

I made a mediocre mockup of Magister style, not sure if you saw it or not.

The idea would obviously look better than what Iā€™ve done, and the face tattoos would be color customizable and come in additional styles.


I didnā€™t see that, but thatā€™s a level of visuality that would be acceptable for me.

I hope they add that belf kilt as a pants option too. Itā€™s just the bottom half of the robe. Would be easy.

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I want more tunic robe separation too but I want pants like leggings type stuff other classes like plate and hunter type always have pants Iā€™m tired of robes I want more options in that regard. I like how they separated the BE heritage armor! It comes as either or!


Yes, now please give the option to Nightborne! I wouldnā€™t use it, but it would be nice.

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Yes. Every robe should have the option for you to wear just the top or just the skirt.


The whole bottom half from the belt down of the Belf Heritage set feels like unfinished hot garbage.

That is why i never use the tunic.

To be fair my favorite heritage set is the VE heritage because itā€™s like a crop top on male characters too! But I value the option the BE heritage provides.

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Hey I like the dress!

Iā€™m a warrior, I donā€™t wear dresses. Even tho my dream is to be a spell breaker, this seems halfdonkeyed.

Yeah. I made a Void Knight mog for my alt Warrior. It looks awesome in the Armory, but actually using Warrior abilities in game with it feels awkward.