New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Do you see the greasy scraggle of hair in the middle of my forehead? That’s why.

They’ve got unique Nightborne.

Like I was saying earlier, if you hedged all your bets on the race that had a counterpart that has been around since Vanilla and has been the most requested feature since WoW came out then you just made a bad bet.

It’s less of a counter argument and more of an admission of bad judgement.

It’s like complaining that voting for the, “Mauled by Leopards party” got you mauled by leopards.


I mean, sure, I get that, but at the same time, if you never ask for it you’ll never get it.

If we’re serious about having Void Elves and Blood Elves develop along different tracks at this point we gotta get out of the mindset of “these two need perfectly symmetrical customisations at all times” and think of them as their own separate things.

I have zero issue with the idea that Blood Elves could ask for and/or get a bunch of additional customization tracks to follow regardless of how many Void Elves have or are also getting on the other end.


Your mage there needs a Mythic Maddening Robe of Secrets:

to finish that look! Don’t judge it by the image there… try it on!

It’s not though like people literally spend thousands on hair and make up for that little piece like that. It’s a vibe. I’ll try to find examples for you.

That would look good!

I actually just threw that look together because I was too lazy to make a new mog for her.

Now I need to go hunting for that robe!

grumble grumble

I would love to see more light-themed customization for blood elves, maybe even glowing light runes along their body similar to the Arcane ones found on Nightborne, maybe even glowing fingertips.

I’d love to see some Farstrider tattoos with a selection of colors to choose from as well, and more long hair/braided hairstyles to really capture their ranger feel.


And you have unique night elves. Your point.
So many bad faith arguments on your part.


Ill need to make megathreads then ~_^


Yes. But that I’d going to come down to, “Ask for more Blood Elf stuff.”

And one of the underlying themes this whole time has been that they don’t like Blood Elves.


One that happens to look similar to wet or greasy hair. I know because my hair goes like that when I need a shower lol.

If you ever desire fashion advice for your Void Elves, don’t hesitate to ask! :smiley:

While helfers ask for more blood elf stuff insteadof void elf stuff.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

You’re not making any sense here.

I need no fashion sense.
I have a helmet. It is all I need

I agree! I ONLY want the blonde and white hair color! I would be FINE with just that, they can keep gold, red, brown.

Runic tattoos along the lines of the Blood Elf from the Burning Crusade box art and Rommath’s runic tattoos would be nice as well.

I made a quick and dirty mockup of that up above, but you’ll have to excuse my limited skill.

You get braided hair but nothing more!
Good day maam!


Just have the 1 Void Elf at the moment, but I’ll keep that in mind. :grinning:

Blonde and white are pretty important High Elf colors.

But Brown would be good too.


That hair is super cute tho… hmmm

Absolutely, go for it! Again, worst outcome is that they say no, and at that point it’s basically the same as never having asked.

And who knows, even if you don’t get the whole thing, you just might wind up with a Blue post revealing you’re getting a pretty good 75% compromise that gives you a lot of what you were looking for. :wink:


But you’re not a high elf <_<

Braided> blonde

Eh, I have little faith in blizzard to be honest.

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