New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I would love pale gold eyes for belves, personally.

More hairstyles for BEs too. I’m not familiar with the female model but the males receive what 3 new hairstyles? If they can afford to share BE things they can spend the time to make more new BE things especially since people are already angling for BE hair.

I like two of the shorter hairstyles, one has a crown, one doesn’t. I think a few more short variations. And some maybe more fitting hairstyles for a more goth aesthetic especially if they introduced San’layn customization alongside Dark Ranger.

Also if they make versions of tentacle hair with braids instead, that would be neat for belves to have as well!

I would have to see pale gold eyes it sounds interesting but I can’t visualize it. But I like it!

I think I have trouble visualizing this too but I like the sound of it!

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I’m actually in full support of this. Sharing the “plain” theme is a given thanks to the inherited skin tones (and potentially hair colors). Enhancing alternative themes exclusive to each is a goal worth pursuing.

Glowing golden hair options, glowing golden tattoos, and more can all create a solid “light” theme for Blood Elves.

The same effort can be made for a Darkfallen theme as well since that’s a popular request for Blood Elves.


The NE hair themes of leaves etc, I hope for more cool hairstyles that play on BE themes. More crowns! I love status symbol type stuff and fits with a lot of BE classes.

People’s hunters will look good with tattoos if we ever get them!

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Look, no one can change what is coming besides Blizzard, and they’re probably not, so what we should do is create a unique theme for blood elves so they have something unique.
The light idea would be best, and be a nice opposing theme to void elves.
I like darkfallen though…so…
I dunno.

Might be greedy to demand such a thing on top of alight theme.


I want tattoos for everyone and lots of them. And scars. I love the crown hairstyle BEs are getting, my mage will be using it.

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Have you ever danced with a devil with pale gold eyes?

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Are BEs receiving any VE hairstyles? I think that should be given to BEs freely considering shared BE assets.

I know a lot of the VE female hairstyles are popular I have seen some BE fans want one in particular but idk which one they mean.

There’s no such thing as “greedy” here. Ask for the themes you want!

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No idea, I hope so though, I’d use some of them.

I think it’s the one this mage of mine is using.


Right now there’s no indication of it but that doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t happen.

It may be some time before we know for sure though. I mean, the skin tones aren’t even on the alpha yet.


Not greedy at all, especially if the character types already exist in the game but aren’t playable yet. I see nothing wrong with asking for both of those things, especially right now when the “express your character how you want” push us going on with new customizations, there’s no better time than now to make these asks in my book.

Worst they can do is say no.


Yeah but I like making things equal.

There’s actually a few female VE hairstyles that are cool and modern. People say the VE hair looks wet but I don’t think so it looks very sleek and Kardashian vibes esque.

iirc Talendrion did some editing in blender to replace the tentacles with braids and posted images of the results, but I can’t find them now.

So you’re kind of like:
Just, y’know, replace the name Emek with Broflake.

Well I am an undead…
And I was a blood elf previously…