New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Scraps? Blood Elves have more stuff.

I mean you’re the one quoting me with “What ifs” like that logic doesn’t also apply to the Void elves as well. I really don’t see what your point is.

They’re not though, Lanesh the Steelweaver, Astromancer Darnarian, Teris Blightsunder are all elves, but whether or not they identify as High elves is unknown. And until it’s specified within the story there’s no way to say otherwise.

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You chose the most unlikely scenario as the outcome.

I 1. Pointed out how you could tell if your hypothesis was true and 2. Gave a list of other potential causes. Most of which are also unlikely.

If wishes were horses…

Maybe the reason for blue eyed Blood Elves is Undead Death Knights who have sewn themselves High Elf Suits!


The difference is those options have already been portrayed on the Alliance side for over a decade. High Elf paladins are a thing that exist and the leader of the Void Elves herself has Blonde hair and blue eyes.

And the difference in my “argument” I wasn’t acting like this was going to destroy anything or “ruin” High Elves that I prefer. It’s a minor preference that I liked. Both sides were getting blue eyes anyway.

Again on this topic though, many in the Pro community wanted MORE things to keep them unique such as being their own race with a distinct model. Even giving them a more nature/elemental based culture with Druids and Shamans. But even that still wasn’t good enough for some people.


What you, and I see as unlikely clearly differ, so it really makes no sense to argue over such a subjective concept. You could very well only have blue eyes because Blood elves have blue eyes because we now have high elves for instance.

Let’s not start asserting that anyone’s opinions are somehow objectively more accurate.


I don’t know why you guys are trolling Snowsong, lmao. She’s one of the few antis that actually make convincing arguments, and she puts effort into her posts.


I was wondering where all the blue eye threads were going and didn’t realize that the 4000 unread posts here was where it was all going to. Omg.

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Yeah. Alleria is a character… and High Elves exist.

Once again it’s bizarre to choose this race as the one to argue uniqueness for. The most requested wow feature for the entire duration of the game.


I’m not trolling her. I like Snowsong.

Like I said. If you get a clearly labeled High Elf in a Horde Tabard you will know. Blizzard reads the forum so maybe they will help you out.

That’s not compensation if its still shared between the two Leinadh. If you lose something that is unique to you, then you need to get something back that is unique. Otherwise as it stands, the void elves can pretend to be blood elves and the blood elves can’t pretend to be void elves. It is simply unequal design wise in terms of the diversity of options.


Except they’ve been playable on the Horde for over a decade, which supersedes having carbon copy NPCs who look like us. And Blood elves have far more claim to the paladin class than High elves.

And this is why Blood elf players want to keep what little distinctions that keep the races unique to remain within the game. It’s an element they find gratifying much in the way you found the difference in eye color gratifying.

Because the distinctions from Blood elves used by the majority of the pro community revolved around their cultural departure from their past, and adoption of Alliance themes and traditions. So why did every effort to differentiate them from Blood elves always happen to involve themes from the blood elves and not the themes that supposedly justified the difference between them?

I would have had no problem with Alliance High elves who’s defining themes from Blood elves revolved around their acclimation into Alliance culture, and not themes that are arguably more Blood elven.

Hopefully you get a Void Elf who identifies as a High elf in-game as some point too.

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The new Nelf options are look nice…especially with male nelf getting foliage beards + manbuns.


Blood Elves have been playable for a decade. High Elves are the ones they are always fighting against.


Why not? Many high elves considered Quel’thalas their home including Vereesa. Who is to say they do not become horrified with what has become of the void elves and how some are choosing to change themselves with uncontrollable magic? The blood elvesno longer practice it and have gone back to their heritage. So would it not be attractive to them to reunite with their kin?

Except they haven’t been always fighting the high elves. There are literally only two major times where the high elves and blood elves came to blows, and both of those events occured in MoP at the direction of Jaina using them as a tool for revenge.
Every other times its jut them eyeing each other warily or coming to the other’s aid.

Oh and all these suggestions of “we can have more subtle blond, that wont step on the blood elves too much.” is just silly.
Blonde is blonde.
Making it a slightly brighter shade, or darker shade, doesn’t changeit from being blonde.
Its the same nonsense argument people make when someone goes “but blood elves have blue eyes through DK’s.” and the response is “BUT ITS A DIFFERENT TYPE OF BLUE!”


Except that’s not true at all, and we have many examples of Blood elves and High elves getting along, and even an example of High elves who hate the alliance and dress like Blood elves. It’s not like gilthares firebough is a suddenly a Blood elf because he works with the horde and wears red.

And heck all those blue eyed blood elves could easily be High elves who’ve joined the Horde, especially since the most notable ones all have unique names that set them apart from other NPCS. Astromancer Darnarian had blue eyes before the Sunwell was even restored, and he is a mage.

In the end it’s all subjective, so there’s no way for either side to say who’s right and wrong.


I feel like High Elves have already been baked into Blood Elves and Void Elves (who also have ex-Blood Elves in their ranks).

The race has long evolved. And the only relic of ‘true blue’ High Elves is the Silver Covenant which no one is getting.

So I don’t see how anyone is stealing anything because Blood Elves are still going to have their light/red theme, and Void Elves are going to have their void/purple theme.

Everyone just has the option of having blue eyes and fair skin but you’re not politically a High Elf. You’re politically a Blood/Void Elf.

The only thing I agree with is Void Elves NOT getting a Paladin. Because the future driving point between these two groups moving forward is the void vs light conflict.

Uh no we can’t. We don’t have Felblood Skin. Or batwings or horns or a desire to consume large quantities of fel.


AND light theme.
Remember, they can look exactly the same as a blood elf and wear the color red.
What you wear is literally a nonsense argument for uniqueness when everyone has it.