New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

It could mean that these are actually just blue-eyed Blood Elves. There’s more Silvermoon Scholar’s in the Rift than there are High Elf Wayfarers.

With that small separation before, it’d be really easy to assume that Void Elves are getting High Elves, and Blood Elves are now free from any Fel taint.


Well I think it’s a fair question to ask if they’re giving them some of the same eyes which were previously separated.

I think that’s what the most likely explaination is between the Blue Eyed Blood Elves as well. Being cured from the Sunwell.


The whole, “This is a unique Horde look!” argument is less of a counter argument and more of an admission that a mistake has been made…

“It’s important to me that this appearance be unique!” … alright. The race that has also been represented on the Alliance since Vanilla that has been the largest requested playable feature for 15 years?

That’s just a poor hill to choose to die on really.


I mean, that could have always been the case. The fact that they looked different from the blood elves eyes isn’t evidence they must have been from the High elves. It’s just as likely these options are meant to reflect High elves joining both sides. It could have also meant that only the Blood elves were getting real high elves as well.

I feel like this was always just wishful thinking, as the “Dark” blue eyes never looked as similar as lighter shade of blue eyes did with the male high elves.

But the official depiction of these eyes is right here in the blue post, anything and everything we see in the alpha shouldn’t be thought of as written in stone. If anything this adjustment better suits the original announcement. It does not mean the Void elves or Blood elves are getting access to more themes beyond what’s mentioned here. (Unless more evidence surfaces that suggests something different.)

It just seems weird that this philosophy of sharing themes is always being pitched as this positive thing when it comes to asking for more themes that belong to blood elves, and yet you make it sound like the fact that Blood elves will have access to the same color eyes as you will somehow ruin you enjoyment.


Plenty of reasons for blue eyed Blood Elves…

Most farstriders probably never had green eyes to begin with. The green eyes do effect a ton of Blood Elves because they used fel Crystal’s to keep Silvermoon from crumbling to dust. So if you were a Blood Elf In Silvermoon after Arthas tore through you probably got green eyes.

But by now it could be wearing off, or, like I said, Farstriders were just out in Quel’thalas.


High Elves randomly deciding to rejoin QUel’thalas now wouldn’t make much sense to me. It’s much more plausible to assume they’re just cured from the Fel, which is why their shade of blue is different to the High Elf blue. Having that subtle difference between the shades of blue could be why Void Elves can now play as High ELves, rather than them just being blue-eyed Belves.

Without an explanation behind it, I’d sooner believe blue-eyed Blood Elves started studying the Void with Void Elves before any High Elf ever would. Why would they suddenly betray what they stood for, for so long? At least if Blizzard does confirm these are our High Elves, nobody can say otherwise. And I’m guessing it would also come with extra lore, right? Lore explaining why they decided to study the Void, of all things.


That’s not true considering I said previously in here I supported Blood Elves having some Void Elf hair options as well. And the fact that i prefer for Green Eyes to stay an exclusive Blood Elf thing so…

Also, I never said it ruined my enjoyment. I said I liked how each Elf had a different variation of blue even if it was minor to make them each a little more unique. At the end of the day it’s not the end of the world. Just a personal preference.


I agree with you that it seems odd, and I’d personally like to have de-tentacled versions of Void Elf hair available for Blood Elves. But that’s just my own personal want for my Blood Elf characters.

That wasn’t what I was complaining about, lol. I’m perfectly happy with Blood Elves taking hair options and whatever else from Void Elves.

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It could also mean they just discovered contact lenses.

It could also mean uncorrupted Blood Elf Children just hit adventuring age.

It could also mean they found anti-fel eyewash.

It could also mean there is a new arcane magic designer drug they are all addicted too.

It could also mean they found a way to reverse wretched and withered to normal.

It could also mean they found a way to bring back dead shadowlands elves.

It could also mean that Blizzard just wanted you to be able to make the character you like.


And the idea that High elves would ever collectively forsake the Sunwell and embrace the Void in large numbers when siphoning magic, and consorting with the Fel was enough for them to leave their homeland never made sense to me either.

Many High elves like the ones at Allerian Stronghold weren’t even present for the original splintering of the elves, and were never given a fair opportunity to choose a side, which is likely why their leader Auric Sunchaser had very little problem working together with them to defend, and honor the Sunwell. Rationals can be provided for both sides, but putting any real stock behind them as to say one is less likely than other feels more like wishful thinking.

While the behavior is contrary to standard High elven beliefs, we have seen exceptions to this rule among them within the game. These options could simply be meant to offer that same possibility for the players, which is no different than having sand troll customizations for the rival Darkspear tribe.

I imagine if they do decide to offer some exposition it will likely involve both sides.

Well yeah, because those don’t really come with any implications with the lore, while shared blue eyes and skin tones do.

And what about it did you like specifically?

The blue eyes for Void elves could also mean many things unrelated to High elves too. The point is it could very well mean that some high elves have returned to Quel’thalas as well.


Yeah. But… player characters are non-canon.

So until you have got an Elf in the Horde with the title High Elf…

Which applies to Void elves as well, until we see a Void elf who still identifies as a high elf that is.

Yeah but we’ve got Alliance aligned High Elves already.


But not Void High elves.

Well, I don’t know what you want me to say. If Blood Elves want extra Void Elf customizations be my guest. :man_shrugging:

I just liked it? It gave them both a different shade of the same color and made it a bit more unique. That’s about it.


Everything you’ve said here makes perfect sense, and it kind of seems like you’re pointing out the same things as I am? Which is why Void Elves and Blood Elves should have different shades of blue if Blizzard are supposed to be making these Void Elves our High Elf compromise. Anyone can just say that our normal-looking Void Elves are just blue-eyed Blood Elves, and they’d be making sense.

Although we haven’t really seen how all High Elves have handled the situation, I’m going to assume that most of them disagree with the BLood Elves. The fact that their only canon appearances after that event in WoTlk have been with the Alliance is sort of(?) evidence. And that interaction between Auric and the Blood Elves was so awkward and stand-offish.

I mean you could just acknowledge the difference in the implications towards the lore they have.

Now you understand why many players want to keep things like blonde hair, and paladins exclusive to blood elves. It doesn’t always have to be some nefarious reason, sometimes players want certain distinction that set their races apart from others.

Except my points suggest that if High elves joined both sides it would make no sense for them to have different shades.

But anyone could say that about any of the new subrace customizations. Sand troll customizations could simply be a Darkspear troll who looks like a sand troll, or that the Wildhammer option for Dwarves are just Bronzebeard dwarves with tattoos. This isn’t something exclusive to Blood elves and void elves.

I mean, the same could be said for Void elves for the many reasons we both listed.

And the only canon instance of High elves showing interest in becoming the void elves are the few unnamed NPCs chilling in the rift. At least in the example involving Auric he refers to them as his lords, and then refers to both groups collectively as children of silvermoon. It’d really not hard to believe that any one of those pilgrims would be interested in returning home.


And? This isn’t a new anti-argument?

It’s a non-issue in the first place. Plenty of people make themselves High Elves in TRP. If you want to play a High Elf who joined the Horde then that’s fine for rp.

But Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei npc’s are always clearly marked. So if the thing you are saying may be the result Is the result then I assume we will see Elves marked as High Elves in Horde Tabards.


It’s gratifying what scraps they’re graciously giving us.