New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

They’re not, I don’t think? But we do see that Blood Elves are getting the DK blue option for Shadowlands. I don’t think it really matters how much they have though. The more options for everyone, the better, right?

oh absolutely. i’m just saying, it may seem like belfs arent getting as much and part of that is because they already have so many options, in order for the artists to give them more, they’ll have to dip into unusual stuff. it’ll seem like ARs are getting more simply because they didnt have much to begin with.


Since both blood elves and void elves get to be “high elves”
I’d like to see more light infused options for blood elves added.

Light infused hair options.
Bronze, golden and golden-silver skin tones.

blood and void elves should be yin and yang IMO.

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If we don’t get all the void elf customizations we hope for in 9.0, it’s too soon to despair, as allied races are likely being updated in 9.1 and 9.2, etc…

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Ah, so now Blood elves and Void elves have the same eye options.

grats. :sparkling_heart:

Yes, but there should be lots of undead elves who aren’t Dark Rangers. In fact, there should be more undead elves around than Blood Elves. Arthas raised them all when he invaded Quel’thalas.


My Blood Elf DK disagrees.

I wouldn’t call this an “injustice”, I’d call it hope that the other 3 of the initial batch of AR’s will also receive some love because they all need it. Especially the Nightborne!

Honestly, I will not be surprised if Lightforged and Highmountain inherit most, if not all, the options of their parent races. For Nightborne though, I’m hoping for more. While I’d love to see some Night Elf skin and hair colors shared with Nightborne, I really want to see them get new face options that look better, younger, and more like their NPC’s. I’d also like to see Nightborne males get their legs beefed up a bit so they don’t look like fragile twigs about to snap under their upper body weight. More hairstyles shared from other races would also be appreciated for them.

You do bring up a good point about communication though. I’d like them to be more forthcoming about if other AR’s will receive some love by pre-patch. Also… I agree with you… Pandaren (and every race really) should have DK skin options.


I think Blizzard may have decided to simply make the blue eyes exactly the same for both Blood and Void Elves.

I kind of liked it better before. At least with the separate blue eyes, you could just say Blood Elves are cured now, and their blue eyes have returned… but they’re not quite the same. And for us Void Elves, we could have just assumed it was because of High Elves joining the Void Elf ranks. Now we don’t really know what’s going on. These blue-eyed Void Elves could literally just be blue-eyed Blood Elves :laughing:


Honestly that could be a glyph. It could change the visual and tooltip/name of the Arcane Torrent spell but still do the exact same thing.

“Light of the Sunwell - The light of the Sunwell bursts forth around you, banishing the spells of your enemies and fortifying you for battle.”

FOUR of the skin colors are virtually identical… not two.

Out of six skin colors, those four are virtually the same with only minor differences in the undertone, and then there’s two that differ dramatically. My screenie looks like a Robert Palmer video.


Is this still a thing on WoWhead going on?? I’d be cautious about it until we see it in the alpha itself assuming its not a bug. Hopefully it is. I think the eye colors should remain separate. I thought it was cool they gave each of them their own types of blue. Green would also seem weird on an Alliance Elf Imo.

It’s not the end of the world but I just like that type of separation between them.


It’s in the alpha. Right now, both the Void Elves and Blood Elves have the same blue.

It’s not really that big of a deal, but I did enjoy the separation. Hopefully Blizzard will just come out and say that Void Elves are now High Elves too.


Perhaps they make up a majority of the ghoul population?

It’s weird that the philosophy of sharing themes only seems to apply when the Void elves are getting things from the Blood elves, but seperation is suddenly good when it means keeping something exclusive to the void elves.


In the context that we currently have, I care that it could suggest that these new customization options don’t actually mean we’re getting High Elves. If Blizzard did just come out and confirm Void Elves have now recruited High Elves, I couldn’t really care less. Lol.

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Ahhh alright. How about the Blood Elf gold eyes and the Void Elf purples? Are they now open to both as well?

Seems weird to me if that’s the route they’re going (assuming this is how the final product ends up) but whatever I guess.


You’re in the same exact boat you were in before.

If these are high elf customizations meant to reflect the presence of High elves joining both groups, why does giving the blood elves this option suggest anything different?

Why would they be? The blue eyes were announced for both races, they didn’t say anything about the gold, and purple eyes. The blue post literally shows both sides with the same eye color.

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