New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I mean whoever is writing the lore also wrote High Elf Wayfarer NPCs into the Void Elf starting Zone learning the Void and Ion also said that the Void Elfs are actively recruiting the other elfs, so the people who made the Velves quite literally are the ones who said High Elfs are joining them. :rofl:

If they didn’t want to “dilute” the race with other Elves, they didn’t have to. But they actively made the decision to do so in-game and in the story. And then made the decision to do so in character creation too.


I honestly think someone at Blizzard actually sat Ion behind a computer and told him to play Alliance where we interact with all the Alliance High Elves.


There is no confirmation that new void elves can be made. Which is the issue.

Just don’t throw that kinda weak junk in here where you try and smear the people who disagree with you as disrespecting the devs, when it can be just as easily turned around against your request.


There literally is and someone had a literal quote from Ion himself about how they are recruiting other elves into their ranks. I will try to find it.

Locus Walker is training High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars in the Void Elf starting zone in Telogrus rift. The High Elfs there don’t have the “normal” High Elf NPC eyes, they have bright blue glowing particle effect eyes like DKs which implies they have already started becoming void-infused.

Alleria was trained by Locus Walker and became an official Void Elf after she absorbed the Void energy from L’ura, as Locus Walker taught her. By this we can assume that he can teach the other High Elf NPCs in Telogrous Rift how to absorb and manipulate void magic, which seems to quite literally be the case as their eyes have become Void-y.

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Man, how times have changed from like 6 months ago.


In terms of thinking from a business perspective, High elf customization for Void Elves, by reputation alone, drums up more conversation than lesser performing ARs as you say.

Seemingly backed by leaking the intense amount of new Blood Elf customizations datamined, them being the most popular Horde race, makes sense.

As much as i value equality, i’d understand if they stopped there for now and picked it up at a later date, makes sense to work on and reveal what would drum up more attention than what wouldn’t.


Thats not true though, a popular question when Shadowlands was revealed was if ARs were getting new customization…which Ion shot down in an interview.

If this was the point (to drum up conversation), why would Ion originally shoot it down?

Ion also shut down Blue eyed blood elves in an interview and then a week later they posted this thread.

Ion also said Alliance probably wouldn’t get fair skinned elves with blue eyes.

Ion says a lot of stuff that changes.


They didn’t have it planned as of yet?

Or he just hid it again, as i suspect is the case with Blue eyes for Blood Elves.

That seems dumb though.

Why would you:

  1. Show off that a major part of the next expac is new and enhanced cusotmization
  2. See that people are asking about AR customizations
  3. Deconfirm that ARs will be getting new customizations in 9.0
  4. Come up with void elf customization as this ‘spur of the moment’ idea from an interview about blue eyes for belves.
  5. Not mention anything about other ARs getting customization

…just to drum it up?

Theres 4d chess, and theres fifth-dimensional planning that has no reasoning or logic in our mortal plane of thought.

Would you mind pointing or linking me to him saying that? I’m super intrigued and it gives more merit to High Elfs/Blood Elves and Belf hair colors and styles!!

Drum up a conversation, ergo, hype for Shadowlands.

Not as popular = Not as much hype for Shadowlands.

Which could also just be waiting to be revealed, not every customization needs a blue post, like i said before, they felt the need to do it for Void Elves for the extreme uproar it would cause from the High Elf aesthetic.

Yes, hype sells games all the time.

Sylvanas is the main character.

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Most of the ARs are more popular than Pandaren, gnomes, and goblins. They have the same amount of hype more or less.

Which is why I say it was spur of the moment rather than planned.

No i get that. But why go through the “See hype, deny hype, then get peoples hopes up” when all he had to do was “see hype, confirm hype with little details”?

See my issue here?

Ehhh, I wouldnt go that far.

Not more than a controversial topic.

Builds more hype.

Much like you’re doing now, you’re “wondering and hoping” that they’ll see it through with the other ARs, they got you right where they want you.

I’m the same way with Worgen at this moment, the second i see a straight back worgen male, it’s game over.

Well see if she does or does not die in Shadowlands.


I’ve been searching and I can’t find it which is annoying me because I literally read the entire quote on here yesterday in either this thread or another one. IIRC basically just said that High Elfs and Blood Elfs alike have sought refuge/training from the Void Elfs and those in Telogrus Rift, which is further proved by the NPCs literally training there/entering from portals to train there and having Void-y eyes.

But we basically know that they have been recruiting and growing in numbers with new trainees, you can even see how large the Void Elf force has become here:
h ttps://

Also we know that a large number of the new Void Elf recruits seen in the army during the Battle for Lordaeron are Blood Elfs because Lor’themar calls them “Traitors” during the Siege of Lordaeron.


Woah, we’re all friends here, no need for hostility.

So far, Void Elves aren’t getting anything Blood Elves didn’t already have. They’re literally getting handmedowns from Blood Elves. Blood Elves technically have more new features confirmed, so Blood Elves have more ‘new’ assets, while Void elves will indeed have more assets total if they recieve everything Blood Elves are getting.

Now this a customization reveal thread for both Blood Elves and Void Elves, so it’s perfectly appropriate for to ask for features and/or voice concerns regarding both races.

Now while yes, other races do deserve to recieve features, this is not the best place to voice said requests and concerns as I know for a fact there are other threads out there championing both customizations for different races as well as one for all that really need the traffic for discussion and bumps, rather than marginalizing other races here for the sake of controversy and debates.


You confuse my “I’d like other allied race customization” as optimism, when its more like “Blizzard should do this, but wont most likely”.

To me, Blizzard has washed their hands of ARs. To me, five of the allied races could just be customization additions to core races.


If there isn’t as much money in it, i wouldn’t be surprised, that’s all it ever is dude.

Which is why I say its not surprising that void elves (the most popular of the ARs, give or take vulpera) are getting it. I just think its dumb.