New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Did Tarrok forget for a split second that Blood Elves are actually also a different type of Elf?

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Because you’re outright trolling if you claim that Belves have received LESS CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS than Void ELfs.

It’s not even a matter of opinion it’s an objective fact you can’t debate.

And it’s GOOD, the core races were SUPPOSED to receive more options than allied races and they DID.


You’re asking Blizzard to only focus on the Blood Elves. Hello, there is Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Orcs, Trolls, Undead, etc. Blood Elves and Void Elves are not the only 2 playable races.

Eyes colours and skin colours is the only thing Void Elves have recieved.

Blood Elves have recieved a lot more than just that. Stop being spiteful because of being a race fanboy.

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Back on topic, the major injustice at the moment is the Blizzard has rolled back on its “no AR customizations in Shadowlands launch” with this.

Blizzard should either discuss that they are open to adding such customizations in Shadowlands whether it be in launch or in the patches upcoming. This should also include the additions of the DK customization for allied races/Pandaren which other races already have.

They’re trolling at this point lol better to not engage

The only weird nonsense is pretending that void elves are somehow getting the short end of the stick.

Oooooooooo, eye colors, now that’s something super noticeable.


To be fair, Shadowlands has now been delayed from summer to early Q1 of 2021 bc of Corona. That’s pushed back two entire quarters which means more development time for artists to make customization.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw new stuff for Nightborne too, and I guarantee certain Draenei options will be added to Lightforged like the tail stuff.

I disagree with you because thematically and what we know of RIGHT NOW, Void Elves can only be Void Elves. Fair skin tone and blue eyes isn’t enough to be considered a high elf (to me anyways)

No, its not. It was always going to be released in Q4 according to the earnings reports earlier in the year.


oooo, several new unique hairs for each gender, new facial hair for males, 3 different styles of body jewlery in 2 colors each, 3 bracelet styles in 2 colors each, 3 necklaces in multiple colors, and 3 different ear options.

For Blood Elves.

Trolling isn’t even funny


Acting like its not a big deal for VEs to have received what they have received is just disingenuous.

No one is being spiteful, I think in this thread about VEs, and BEs that VEs can take a back seat for a minute. And you need to stop labeling people with names just because you disagree with them in a moment. So what if I am a BE fan.

Yes and this isn’t their thread I agree they need things too.


No it isn’t, so you should stop doing it.

Yes. A core race is getting extra options in the patch where they’re specifically adding more options for the core races.


Yep, and as such they are receiving, objectively, way more customization options than Void Elfs.

Which is GOOD. As you said, the patch is focused on Core Races. Which is why Blood Elfs, the core race, have received way more than Void Elfs.

Saying otherwise is trolling and being ignorant.

You can still ask for more Belf options without claiming you have gotten less than Void Elfs. No one will take you seriously that way, and certainly not the Devs or artists who did all the Belf options.

Like, seriously, as an Artist myself, If I was the Blizz artist who did all the different Belf jewlery and hairs and I read a comment from someone saying that Void Elfs “got more customization” for simply getting skin and eye COLORS I’d be rather taken aback. Screw all my hard work, right?


I’d rather either have no void elf customization or Blizz adding new customization to all allied races.

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I’d assume this is implied. Hopefully.

They started with this one because they know how much attention it would drum it.

From the numeric point of view yes, there are more individual choices at this point. From the view of thematic appearances (similar to adding the various Tauren off shoot heads to Tauren) The void elves have received more than the Blood elves.

And hey, if I was a writer or artist that worked on the Void Elves, I’d be rather offended at the disrespect shown to the interesting themes and new aesthetic options because people are trashing that because they’d rather have a copy paste of something else.

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Again, the last we heard of anything was when Ion said “no allied race customizations in 9.0” in a QA.

With this news, it actively rollbacks on this. I would love to hear Blizz say there is more upcoming for other allied races which need that customization.

Ion explained why they did this for Velfs:

“Honestly that was the plan at the time, but the game is vast, so specific questions often go unexamined while attention is elsewhere. After that interview, the team spun up a fresh conversation about BElf/VElf customization options, and the recent blog lays out where we ended up.”


This is where we should of thought twice.

Fool me once, shame on him, Fool me 5 times…

But thats the issue. The idea of this customization only came after that blunder with the blue eyes during that French interview, and it seemed like spur of the moment by his context (whether or not thats true is up to you, there was no gauge to see this coming.)

To me, this kind of hints at…no other AR customization is in the works which is bull because new customization options would benefit a few of the lesser performing ARs rather than solely giving it to one of the more popular ones.