New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

You’ll have plenty of company, I can assure you.

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That scares me more.

Is that why you’re more of a morning elf than a night elf?

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Nightborne still only have 3 skin tones. Velves had a good deal more, now they’re getting what all the Blood elf ones? That’s pretty huge.

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Yeah saying BE’s are getting the better end of things so far really isn’t what I’m seeing.

Ok except this is a feedback thread so we are perfectly able and allowed to ask for more Void Elf customization, especially since this is probably the best time to ask Blizzard since this is when they are working on customization/talking about it internally.

Like, it’d be a shame if they didn’t just take the final extra step to make the majority of High Elf fans happy right now by literally just adding ONE white-blonde hair color that every High Elf NPC in the game uses (Which would take probably 0 work considering it’s a pre-existing texture asset). That’s literally it. Throw in a few human/belf hairstyles too if they’re feeling generous.

I mean by your logic, I should be telling you to stop being sad about Belf customization because they already got so much compared to other races :stuck_out_tongue: But I’m not going to bc the point of this thread is feedback on these 2 races and their customization options in Shadowlands.



Blood Elfs got 1) Multiple new Skin colors too 2) Multiple new eye colors 3) new hairs 4) new facial hair 5) new body jewelry 6) new bracelets 7) new necklaces 8) new ear options

Please tell me you are joking xD

It’s not even a matter of opinion, Blood Elfs got objectively more customization added. Like, you can count out every option added and Blood Elfs got more than double the amount of customization added than Void Elfs. Maybe even triple.


Definitely not the topic, but definitely something they’ll probably end up doing, not like Nightborne intrude anymore than they already do on Night Elves by giving them more shades. :man_shrugging:

I mean if you goal is to be biased sure. :man_shrugging:

For us regular folk, getting regular, options for skin-tones as opposed to the largely unwanted void aesthetic in general, is a start, at best.


Lann, you got to understand. Customization’s is going to be an ongoing process. And considering there is so many different other playable races, Blizzard is not going to prioritize one race above others for customization’s. They’re trying to spread it all out evenly. Some things we may get that we will enjoy, some things we all may miss out on.

Void elves got the ability to basically be whatever type of Thalassian elf they want to be, making them more versatile than the core race. They also are getting those options prior to other ARs for no good reason.

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Yes, and I hope they don’t come back to Void Elves for quite some time in that regard, and re focus on Blood Elves who have received less options so far.

K that’s not what’s being discussed, I am speaking objectively about the number of customization options added, and objectively (it’s not a debate of opinion it’s an objective fact) Blood Elfs have gotten 2-3 times more options added into the character creation screen despite already having more options in the first place.

That’s a literal fact.

Ion said the reason on Twitter.

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lol now you’re trolling :rofl:

Want me to go count the options by hand?

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That is more of rudeness there Lann. “Blizzard, prioritize Blood Elves please over everything else…”

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Blood elves have half the options thematically than the the void elves.

Void elves have received massively more options than any other AR

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Did i fall into a dimension where Blood Elves aren’t getting blue eyes + scarred eyes on top of green AND yellow, skin-tone options, multiple jewelry options, more hairstyles and already have class options equal to human + Demon hunter?


This conversation isn’t about thematics it’s about customization options.

Holy yikes this is yikes

The delusion is strong right now I’m honestly awestruck…I’m ashamed to be a Belf player rn lol


How is that not a customization that a Void elf has the choice between the void look and the high elf look and blood elves just have the high elf look?

You basically just told me the same thing when asking for more BE things LOL you said

Why would the race that has received the most so far not take a back seat for a minute, its not about VE’s all of the time. And I don’t appreciate the insinuation that because I would prioritize a race who has received less so far, with much of its fan base a bit pessimistic about it, that I am somehow being rude.

If you wanna play this weird nonsensical game of thematics, Blood Elfs actually still come out on top :slight_smile:

Void Elfs now can be Void Elfs or High Elfs.

Blood Elfs can be Fel Blood Elfs (w green eyes), newer Sunwell Blood Elfs (w yellow eyes), and High Elfs w blue eyes or Arcane Blood Elfs.

So Blood Elfs have more thematic options :slight_smile: