New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

This took a while to scroll too lol

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Indeed! While I think some of them look too samey, it really changes the shape to something else, and thatā€™s very nice!

Same happens with the female hairstyles; I particularly love how the ponytail becomes so short.

It does! I actually had used that version to swatch some HE hair colors some time ago.


Ah, I see, and I do like the idea of affecting entropic embrace most interesting, so I do see some merit there.

But otherwise, I think for customization options an approach of having all the assets there and allow people to mix and match seems the better approach. So you can make someone that loos very steryotipically HE, or go full VE, and also allow a blond HE to have some awesome tendrild. I do just like better the mix and match approach; we are given a lot of options, and its up to us how to combine them. More choice: more freedom to customize.

So for me, options should be:

  • Eye Color
  • Skin Color (including more corrupted ones)
  • Hair Color
  • Hairstyles with Tendril Toggle
  • More Tendrils (as another customization option like draenei)
  • Jewelry (with alternate coloring as we are seeing in some Draenei datamining)
  • Body paint that resemble Alleriaā€™s in different colors.

So with all thos assets, you can either make a very HE looking person, or go full Void


Gotta say, if this was the lightest Hair color available for VEā€™s, it would be very disappointing. At least I am really hoping for a white hair color :frowning:

Compilation of De-tentacled VE hairstyles: Female Male

I really hope we get something like this. We have the technology! Plus it would serve to add more tentacles to hairstyles that donā€™t have them (The shorter male hairstyles would look awesome with longer tendrils coming from the nape down)


Yeah we really need at least a pure black and a pure blonde-white that every High Elf Wayfarer and Alleria have!

Looks like we are getting black at least in the images in OP!


Indeed, black already exists in the files since Legion, itā€™s just about making it playable. And white, we really deserve white!! Every race has white hair haha


I would say a whole range of different colours, not just black and blonde. Anything from white to black imo.

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Iā€™ve absolutely had it with the extreme dark-scale color options of Void Elves, if theyā€™re so adamant about sticking to the dark theme for their hair, the least they could do is add more colors in a darker tone, the least.

Otherwise why even bother trying to be cheeky by giving us the elusion to High Elves, iā€™d rather just get extreme void customization at that point. :man_shrugging:


Idk ā€¦ to me it seems too soon to see VE fans being depressed about the options being introduced, considering theyā€™ve received so much more than everyone else already, and BE fans in particular are now feeling a bit down on things.

Hey Cezol, why is Broflake always trying to tell me to control you? He is like Sylvanas telling Andiun to muzzle his dog.

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I certainly donā€™t hope for blonde, even if I donā€™t see it as THAT unlikely, but I do feel white hair is a must.

If I had a say, Iā€™d actually like for them to use KT hair colors; the texture work is the same, so it fits perfectly, and they are less bright than BE colors, which serves as visuals to a separation from the light of the sunwell.

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People seem to get upset about everything.

In the end though, what is the point of trying to deny anyone anything when it is a better option to try and look at suggesting other stuff to something that they like.

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Lol is he around?

I wouldnā€™t know, but im not shocked.

Control what? The Truth? lol Heā€™s adorable.


I donā€™t think denying VE fans is the intention of a lot of BE players. But there is no denying the discrepancy of things coming to VEs compared to them. So to see the ā€œwoe is me nows a hard time to be a VEā€ mentality is kind of tone deaf to me idk.

It is not exactly what I mean.

People seem to call themselves fans of races and all that, but then as soon as something pops up for that race, people go in an all outrage to try and deny others because of spitefulness. Take in my thread for example, with that post from whatsthename, how they said, no, I have to be a Void Elf or whatever.

I am not saying all are like this, but some are.


I agree, iā€™d like some less ā€œcoolā€ colors and more ā€œwarmerā€ colors, just not drenched in extreme un-saturation, iā€™m fine with them being darker.

Along of the line of ā€œvisual distinctionā€, iā€™d agree more if they didnā€™t rip the token High Elf aesthetic of blue eyes from our High Elves, at that point, asking for different hair styles and colors seems tamed.

The sense they theyā€™re still holding on to the idea that theyā€™re trying to keep the two distinct, yet have essentially officially given us the Blood Elf model with the regular skin tones is the oddest part of all of this.

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Maybe, but I have always been extremely cautious about what we might get; I always saw HE customization for Void Elves as the most likely resolution, and even so it felt unlikely to happen lol.

It does feel silly that we get all BE skin tones, but none of the hairstyles. feels like it defeats the purpose of the former to not have the later. Would rather have a limited selection of 4 skin tones and 4 hair colors from BEā€™s. Just getting the skin tones feels very arbitrary and donā€™t get the reasoning tbh.

So I hope we get some hair colors, and if not belven one, from another race (like KT)

Thats easy. We have leash laws here, maā€™am.

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Then why arenā€™t you on a leash?

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Im not a dog.

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