New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Yeah I think I like that idk, there are two I like one has a crown, one doesn’t but both are short looking eh.

I just really like the short male side wave hair because I like shorter styles in general on my male characters. It’s why I hope if any human hair gets proliferated to Void Elves, that we get that one new short style they are getting.

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ah thats the asian male hairstyle. looks cool.

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I think where we are getting confused is that it can refer to both the interface and the effect in video game terms.

It’s a little thing that slides across the screen so the interface is a slider.

It’s just easier then “little knob that moves from side to side.”

It was talked about earlier.

Basically you set the degrees of corruption and it displays differently on your character.

From “Basically a High Elf” to “Permanent Void Form”.

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I’m a fan of it for sure.

This is the Blood Elf one I really like and am super jelly of:

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reminds me of building my own website. where a slider simply flips thru css image layers. here’s item-x. and this is how it looks green, etc.

what programmers and gamers think of as sliders is very similar but its alot fancier in 3d. you dont just manipulate a single layer, but several layers at once, and you can not only change its color but its x,y,z parameters too. morphing is a better name for it since its alot more complex than the shadowlands sliders, which are flipping thru pre-made textures. morphing sliders take a pre-set texture and make it into something new with very flexible parameters.

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A lot of Void Elf hairstyles, if the tentacles were re-textured as hair, look really nice in traditional hair colors too:

So even if we don’t get any additional hairstyles, but get the option to swap the tentacle texture for a hair texture, and get a few more colors, we can get a pretty respectable High Elf look.


Lol I just prefer to call them “options”, it’s more accurate to what it actually is IMO. But you are right, it’s just nomenclature.

But that’s my question, how would that work mechanically? As grouping different options according to those sets?

Like, if you choose “Basically a High Elf” you couldn’t choose any hairstyles with tentacles? and if you choose “Pernament Void Form” no natural skin tones available? (kinda like how DH and DK options are just locked to those classes)


This whole conversation just made me want small hamburgers.

Someone made a list earlier. I will have to dig to find it.

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Could you? I’m interested in seeing if it could make sense, cause otherwise I think just having all the options and for each player to mix and match at will is just better overall.


Okay so here are the male hairstyles with tentacles, without them!

No gaps on any, except for the foxtail, but that could be fixed easily.


i keep referring to website design. menu options. so you have a menu that pops up an additional menu once you hover over one of its categories, and that new menu can even pop up an additional menu. an example of this is wowhead’s main menu system. you essentially drill down to the final menu options

Still hoping the Void Elves get some human hair styles and Night Elf hair styles. The New Nelf hair styles and even some of the old ones (the standard Male Nelf “long”) hair styles would look great for a High Elf aesthetic with the right hair color. I’d sort of like to see the human barbarian hair on a male Velf too.

Also: I hope they get the new Male Nelf beard option too. Would be a great option for a mage.


Some of the new draenei styles are stealworthy as well!


yeah they lookin sharp

Oh wow! They look really good! Now I really want Void Elf hairs with tentacles, without tentacles, and with the option to reskin the tentacles as hair or braids!


Mmm, I can’t see how is that any better than just have all the options there and just let players mix and match. It creates restrictions that I don’t feel are necessary, specially if there’s any effect beyond the simply grouping of characteristics on an aesthetic level. Say, if this impacted stuff like name tag, or even classes available, I could totally be on board, but just as an aesthetic grouping, feels redundant.


I am too excited about the nelf stuff. I am still hoping to choose marking colors, but man Avarie is going to be so gorgeous after her make over!

Also I still want tattoos!


They look nice, tho I have top say, the lack of tentacles makes some of them a bit boring XD IMO, the option to even add more tentacles from the nape area could definitely make a big difference, like a big tendril ponytail hehe!

And while I do like the idea of braids replacing tentacles, it only works on a couple IMO, but on those, it does really good!


What I like about them with tentacles outright removed is that it kinda changes the look of a few of them. Enough that they feel a bit different to me. So it would be like having a semi-sorta-kinda new hairstyle.

Like, the third one in your pic, normally it has the tentacles draped over the shoulders just above the chest. With them gone, it changes the look of the style in a way I like, and would probably look really nice with more traditional hair colors.