New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Color shifts in Photoshop work like this:

Select what you want to change.
Move the slider.

Any idiot can do it.

I personally like the full outfit but it does leave a lot to be desired in its modular-ability. I would not object to seeing the various glowing NPC accessories added as options for it though, and I’d like them (and every race heritage armor set) to have both a robe chest option and non-robe chest option. Which in turn necessitates that Blizzard STOP putting flat textured “socks” as footwear for robe sets. It’s a lazy shortcut they take because the boots aren’t seen beyond the feet with a robe.

You can see the travesty this caused with the Blood Elf heritage armor when you use the non-robe chest option and find that your “boots” are actually flat “socks” with no geometry, when they should have 3d assets like the gloves and match them in bulk and design.

Right now the whole Nightborne heritage armor is basically the robe, shoulders and hat. The gloves are lazy. The boots are lazy. And even the pants are lazy, as they are devoid of most features (because the artists thought that would be ok because you don’t see them with the robe on).

We are playing in the age of transmog and have been for some time. The artists need to design every piece with the thought of them being used individually and not just with their intended set. We used to get boots with actual 3d geometry with cloth robe sets back in the day. You can see it with sets like Arcanist, and Netherwind. As time has gone on, they artists have swapped to flat “socks” nearly every chance they get with robe sets and its not fair.


They do, but considering Blizzard couldn’t be bothered to simply swap the heads on some models to give them the correct eyes, my faith in them is lacking.
they could have EASILY given nightborne more skin colors

All it would have taken is to simply type 01 instead of 03 to fix it. Its so

Unless the way they’ve designed the game is so horrendous simple changes become complicated.


As an aside I have been boredly remaking wow things from scratch in blender for the lulz. I made Benediction and stuff.

this hairstyle, and human skin colors, are the only things i wanted from blood elves. i didnt care about blue eyes or even blonde hair. i’d have been happy with gnome hair colors or talendrion’s 2 colors melding, idea. i wouldnt mind if we didnt have blonde or red hair colors, though i’d love black, white, and pastels, like light pink, light blue, light purple, and neon colors. i didnt want their dance or their idling animation.

this is my fav hairstyle

I really should get back into playing with Blender. It is an excellent way to kill time.

Well that hairstyle isn’t exclusive to Blood Elves. Humans have it as well.

yeah i use it on my humans too. its just straight, center parted, rather long and to a point, in the back.

boy i’d love a velf hairstyle like morticia addams, long, straight, down to the bum, hair.


Since we have no sliders whatsoever in wow, that seems like the most unlikely scenario to me.

None of WoW’s customizations work on a slider scale, they are all individual assets mixed and matched differently.

As for leaving gaps, tendrils are actually separate from the hair tbh, so far I haven’t found an outright gap, but some do feel like they are missing something in terms of shape, if that makes sense.

Gimme a bit to compile some screens


I love two of the new male Blood Elf hair styles! I think there are 3? I only like 2, short options and one has a crown! I love a good crown!


I suspected as much! And ty for taking the time! I eagerly await seeing what you have to show!

in some alternate timeline, you’re probably the head cheese. hehe.

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Not sure what that’s supposed to mean. Both sides have stated what they wanted over the years. Blizzard declined to make Alliance High Elves their own separate race and gave us Void Elves instead with extended options come Shadowlands. As the Rolling Stones sang, you don’t always get what you want.

All the options are being converted to sliders actually.

It just flips between the different options.

I like the short male hair with the side wave that Blood Elves are getting. I’m super envious of them over that, especially since I’m not expecting any hair, let alone their new hair to be shared with Void Elves. But stranger things have happened.

That’s not really what people mean when they say “sliders” though.

A slider actually changes the size/shape of something little by little as you “slide” the bar back and forth. What wow is doing isn’t a slider, its just a “one after the other” selection of different options.

Aion’s body malleability is a slider. WoW has no sliders, not now, nor in Shadowlands.


I’m okay with this! And I will very much love using the crown hair heh :smiley:


Eh, what I mean is that they are not actually sliders, it just toggles different options; it’s not sliders on the true sense of the world (like, say, Sims sliders where they alter the shape within parameters, like fat<->thin.)

It’s more like mix and match with available assets, so I really don’t know what you mean by a “corruption” slider. At most to be that would look like segregating certain customization options, like bundles? What do you mean by a “corruption slider”?


A slider is just a type of “button” that slides along a path. That’s what we are getting.

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Talendrion’s post above explains better than I.