New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

True but there is no doubt they have paid attention to our topics. Even as recent as last April fools patch joke they said as much. And this compromise was obviously thought of to please both sides or try to, and it’s often been said by both sides that the devs may have wanted VEs to please the HE community and it failed.

So it’s silly to think fans of the game haven’t had in a way some effect to the course of changes in positions etc. it may be why they are going back on the original VE sentiment to differentiate them based on skin tones which leaves antis mad and pros upset we didn’t get HEs to begin with.

I take issues with him saying their voice doesn’t matter just because he has a different view than them.

Don’t get me wrong. I effectively got what I was looking for. I still want those Dark Ranger skins and I’d be thrilled for purple eyes horde side. I’m quite content.

Honestly, I think they didn’t mean High Elves were coming with that April Fools thing but it did show they were hearing player interest. Thats for sure.

Ion was pretty clear they changed their mind about the skins shortly after his “blue eyes dont make sense for Blood elves” interview.

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The problem is that this probably isn’t true since the idea was not sharing assets for many. So more than like Blizzard did it because…Blizzard. They’ve generally just done whatever they care to do with little factoring of player opinions.

Why would he tell me about it when that isn’t what I am discussing and have pointed out in the past? To you in particular multiple times?

I didn’t see him say that I thought he said basically “you would have got more of what you actually wanted if you changed your argument” that seemed the basis of it. I don’t think he explicitly said their voice doesn’t matter I think the point was their voice does matter and this is the situation they contributed to too. Some people have explicitly said people’s opinions don’t matter and he wasn’t one of them but that’s just my take on it.

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Well we still need more BE customizations we really haven’t gotten anything… a few options but like… where’s our stuff is what most of us are thinking.

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This is my main? Idk how many people’s alts are 460 ilvl with a lvl 83 Heart of Azeroth and nearing max rank cloak. I mean I personally don’t spend that much time on my alts :rofl:

Just bc a lot of people disagree with you doesn’t mean they are all alt clones.


Hang on, let me alt clone.

Well that ship has sailed already… and it may be picking up more Blood Elf paraphernalia along the way before it reaches the next port.

In truth, even if all I get are the skin tones and the eyes we saw in the teaser, I can make a reasonably decent looking High Elf character come pre-patch if I wish to, and the implications of the High Elf Wayfarers at least provides some sort of indicator that High Elves are joining the Ren’dorei even if the devs don’t add any additional in-game exposition.

It’s not as satisfying as it would be with a little in-game exposition and perhaps some hairstyles and colors shared from Humans, but I can make it work.


Alt Clone Complete.

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Not what I got from what he said. Text is hard to impart full meaning too though so I could have mistook his intent.

If so then that would change my opinion on that. Still doesn’t seem like a good way to put it.

I was talking about in reference to the Dark Ranger ideals.

I don’t think VEs should have access to undead skin tones BEs don’t even have access to the Dark Ranger stuff yet. Void Elves have Void and Non Void. Shouldn’t get Dark Ranger too??

I would have thought the devs could have seen that what they were showing us was clearly a disparity.
We’ll see I guess.

Oh for sure. The Dark Ranger aesthetic makes no sense on Void Elves. Any light-themed aesthetics or Darkfallen themed aesthetics should be exclusive to Blood Elves IMO. My apologies for misunderstanding your post.

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I assume blue eyes was controversial and so was the VE customizations. So they announced together.

I would have rather them waited and announced in the same post the Dark Ranger themes for BEs. I will honestly be very very sad if they don’t get included and it would at least show they tried to be even handed and more BE customization we could wait to be announced but as is rn it just seems lacking across the board.

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That’s actually quite amusing! Did Nikky have access to the dev’s meetings? roflmao

He’s doing this thing where he takes our arguments, which are in favor of a different game or story style than he prefers and then turns it around and treats it as if it’s only a request to deny people their wants. And he’s saying that rather than advocate for our own tastes as they are against his, we should just stick to asking for extra things for blood elves, and that our wants were ignored because they were (according to him) only against people’s desires.

If you’re keeping score, it can be noted that from the other side, this can be seen as the people who want either more unique things for the alliance, or for horde themes to stay on the horde losing what they want in favor of people who want to take that from them. But for some reason it only seems to apply in one direction.


The devs did say they read our topics, and this entire thread made by Blizzard alludes to the fact it’s a hot topic they’ve paid attention to.

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They’ve gotten just as much as all the other races who have been fleshed out, including the Night Elfs and Draenei today.

New hairstyles, new skin colors, new eye colors, 3-D necklaces, multiple styles and colors of bracelets, multiple styles and colors of body jewlery (removed temporarily). Also new ear sizes which I forgot about.

Night Elfs got new hair, new skin colors, new eye colors, 3-D necklaces, no bracelets, no body jewlry, circlets, and hair leaves. I don’t see people saying “Night Elf didn’t get enough” but they got the same amount as the Blood Elfs :thinking:

Just because you don’t like the options doesn’t mean they didn’t get a lot of options

I mean I still hope they get tattoos, scarring, and more hairs (taken from Velfs and humans) but as someone who plays a lot of Belfs I can recognize that they got A LOT.