In a game that is about factions…and how each faction is different…damaging faction uniqueness is not a valid reason?
I hope you are being facetious and not serious.
In a game that is about factions…and how each faction is different…damaging faction uniqueness is not a valid reason?
I hope you are being facetious and not serious.
Human, Draenei, Gnomes and Dwarves all say hello.
Horde vs Alliance
Monsters vs Non-monsters
Man, Horde got ccked into becoming the glorified lapdogs of God King Blanduin the Lore Blackhole.
Faction uniqueness died some time ago.
Err, exactly what I mentioned?
Good to know you know how to read at least…
Ok, imagine for a second that Undead could look just like Humans. And I don’t mean like Nathanos, I mean exactly like the playable Alliance Human characters. Would be adding options to Undead? Sure. Can I see people taking issue with it? Yes.
I have no issue if Undead got to look like actual humans.
Forsaken looking like humans seems like a downgrade if you ask me… at least for me.
Human model is SO freaking ugly.
That’s fine. But you can’t say it would be unfair of other players to take issue with it.
In the Alpha, all the male High Elves got their eyes updated to a dark blue, which is also what the Void Elves got.
Not sure what the purpose of you reply was exactly nor how it relates to the point about uniqueness and its removal as a negative.
Of course, you’ve displayed a refusal to understand while demanding everyone understands AND agrees with you.
And yet, there has been no valid reasons to why people think it hurts the faction uniqueness.
The whole “Horde vs Alliance” ordeal, 15 years, and it seems to be going down a bad road. And the fact that people who thinks this is going to hurt the faction uniqueness is the same people who just like to deny others from wanting to play what they want to without telling them to roll the other faction.
And here is the thing, if people were told to go and roll on the other faction, what happens when this game gets one sided with everyone rolling on the one faction?
Exactly. I for one would definitely be against full on Human models on the Forsaken, as it’d definitely both steal from the unique core race of the Alliance, and also devalues the undead identity of the forsaken as a race.
Where is the official prove that it is going to be negative?
Your refusal to acknowledge the reasons and insistence on strawmanning them does not mean there are no valid reasons.
Where is the official proof that high elves were a good idea?
Or the official proof that this is a good one?
You ask questions which are dual edged, and as such, display the weakness of your argument.
Maybe instead of insisting on telling everyone is wrong, you don’t do so?
Because it is based on your own opinion is it? And you think, oh no, that is all “facts”.
Again, your reply here has no purpose. You aren’t interested in focusing on the actual points of the argument. You would rather create strawmen to attack.
“High Elves should be playable” is an opinion too. It’s one I share, but at least I recognize it’s an opinion.
I tried explaining that as well but got ignored. Perhaps she will listen to you.
See, here is exactly what I mean. You take your opinion, and act like it is an actual fact. How about for starters, claim that what you claim, is only an opinion.
And I never said that isn’t an opinion.
We should form a club, or support group.
So why are we allowed to have an opinion, but antis have to have facts? It’s a double standard.