New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Just because he’s averse to shampoo in his beard doesn’t mean the rest of humanity would be. :smile:


There are no Scourge barbershops, clearly.

I disagree, I think the scourge have the best barbershops.

Just look at Kel’Thuzad, he’s as shaven as you can get. :skull:


Yes…yes you did.
The moment you begin claiming that the other side’s views are not valid, you are immediately trying to place yourself in a position of validity, which is of a superior position.
It looks bad, because it is bad dude.
No matter how you attempt to phrase it, you are doing exactly such, and trying to argue that there is a demerit to an opposing sides views does not work because the conversation is not being held in a vacuum.

Trying to argue it is entirely positive with no negative is disingenuous and misleading at best.

Your side: Yay we get more options! ALL POSITIVE!
Other side: Those options already exist, this HURTS faction uniqueness. So its a bad idea.


Body jewelry option seems gone as of now tho :,( …

Omg Vereesa!! Is she getting an model update? And this isn’t the first time she was seen with purple eyes. In Hearthstone she has purple eyes (because of the Arcane) and Thori’dal which shoots arcane infused arrows. So Sylvanas the undead sister, Alleria the void sister and Vereesa the arcane sister!

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Maybe? From what I heard, they gave many high elves purple eyes over blue. So it may be a test for looks or something.
Who knows?


I hope the Dalaran elves keep purple eyes tbh. Keeps them distinct


Fits very well with the color of their signet too.


It’s tough!

You have the alpha, right? Do you know what eyes the High Elves have in the Telegrus Rift?

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It’s just the female High Elves getting the purple eyes, as far as I’m aware. Some people in the Helf Discord confirmed it.

That explains why Vereesa has purple eyes. She shares the same “head” as other female high elves, so more than likely she got it as a result.

I’d consider it a test for how everything looks and wait til beta.

Well nothing is confirmed until the expansion comes out, it’s still alpha.

Oooh this is a good question! Currently on live the High Elves in Telogrus all use the wispy Death Knight eyes (another sign of rushed work along with the missing chunk of rocks on one of the Telogrus islands that lets you get under the terrain).


Like the rest of the AR have? You aware you´re making comparisons between oranges and apples?

Could have fooled me, I swear that post sounded like “QQQQ muh Helf/Velf don´t have same in-game stuff than Belf -but ofc let´s ignore they´re not a regular playable race but an AR-, QQQ!!!”.

Nope, cause we Hordies had to do the freaking same in regards to HM Tauren and Nightborne -lul, Nightborne was especially harsh cause it was basically to complete the wholoe freaking story chain that spanned MULTIPLE patches; you guys only had to deal with Argus-.

AR are like a premium feature of the expac -just like hero classes like DK or DH-, so it´s perfectly normal to have some hurdles to make them available.

Stop comparing apples to oranges.

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Well, from what we can see, I’m saying that only the females got purple eyes.

And since Void Elves are getting the High Elf blue eyes, I hope they give us the High Elf violet eyes. That’d be so neat, and it’d help sell the idea that Helves are (maybe?) becoming Void Elves too.

Do the males still have turquoise eyes?

And yet, we have seen no valid reasons to “this hurts the faction uniqueness”.


Sure dear, that´s why I´m asking for actual exclusive haircuts. Cause I´m totally ignorant about most if not all of the Belf haircuts being shared with a bunch of Alliance races, amrite?

Next time, remove the “all”… lumping us all into a group doesn´t make you seem smarter nor kinder, but the opossite.

You are blind, anomaly. Those are not “scumbag gold chains” but actually christmas bead ornaments.

Good luck with your seasonal looks, personally I´m quite happy if we dodged that bullet.

Scars and different tatoos for each elf race depending on faction (I want runic bright ones for the Horde elves; you guys can get the regular ones after all Nelves already have them).

I swear, the jewerly customization we have seen is such a dumb useless thing; so niche it physically hurts. Truly mediocre if you ask me.

And worse of all, it´s another “huehuehue Belves don´t have females and are airheads with no battle sense huehuehue” dig from the devs. If they´re so desperate to “give us” jewerly, they could have at least made it practical like the Nightborne one ffs (you know, if only to avoid the stupid 12 yo bad joke).

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