New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I’d tell you that you’re thinking too small.
Try octagons!

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Well, even today, it is all what comes down too still. Nothing but spite from the Anti’s because, “but the Alliance have taken everything from us when they should be rolling mah Horde.”

I am not saying the pro’s are always in the right, but I am sick of trying to play nice because of them being rude. That is why I started going on with “spitefulness” and “ignorance” towards them.


I am completely stumped by this notion.


I was gonna make the same joke, but with squares. :laughing:


That would stop the opposition! :stop_sign:


already but at least now with a little more information, we must be honest this blizzard post can be or just a small part for the pro helfs, or everything they wanted

With that information, at least what is going to be is discussed, right now it is discussed what can be

That if the pro helfs don’t give them what they want, I know that thousands of posts will be opening, although that will never work

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The circle always wins.

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Nah, this isn’t Europe. We don’t use Circles.

I’m offended that you think that I as an American do not use Circles.

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Everyone has the right to their own opinion yes. But I also have the right to point out how irrational and devoid of morality their opinion is.

It would be a lot more subjective if this were about a gameplay affecting mechanic. But this is entirely cosmetic and the high elf theme has been part of the alliance for years now.

If high elves, or lightskinned void elves are made playable, these people claiming that this is bad will not be affected whatsoever, they’ll continue playing their horde toons as usual.

The pro-side is based off adding customizations based off of evidence shown to us in game (that high elves are part of the alliance).
The anti side is based off “preventing” or “taking away”.

Both sides are not equally valid based on that.

Of course, I don’t believe in the whole void elf paladin/void elf shaman things are necessary. But that’s another topic, I just want to clarify that I don’t blindly go along with whatever the “pro” side wants to add.


Probably because it reminds people of pie.

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What does this even mean?

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“Devoid of morality”? That’s not really fair to say.

No, the anti side is based off of retaining uniqueness.


Some of them also worry about if high elves become playable blood elves will be written as the villains in the story, which is a valid concern imo.


I mean, for some people (not personally for me, but doesn’t matter) the thing they enjoy the most in the game is the differences between the factions.
I don’t see how that is “devoid of morality”, it’s just a different opinion.


So, why not use the stuff in this thread?

Oh that’s right, we’re still stealing from the Horde.


From the antis’ perspective, that would be like if the Kul Tirans had gone Horde. It’s a physique for their race that they can’t play.


They are retaining their uniqueness. Playable high elves would just mean taking what’s already in game and making them playable.

This “uniqueness” that they claim is based off not allowing people to have access to a race that’s already in game and already part of the alliance.

It would be unique if the high elves didn’t exist.

That is not protecting uniqueness, that is spite.

It’s rough, and I don’t speak for every one of them, but it’s true based on what I just said above this quote.


I mean, I made a few High Elf/Half-Elf Mockups in, I’m not sure if that thread or an earlier one, and some people told me they thought they were still too similar, even though I added in some differences.

And that’s ok! It’s their opinion.

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