New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I mean if Taurens can be Druids of the Sun to enable Paladins, then surely Water Mages can be twisted into the same thing.

And yes to your request.


I think it is better to request the colours that human haveā€¦ Oh wait, sorry, we canā€™t, because the Blood Elves also have those.

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That could be pretty cool too actually

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Blizz should hire me, I can easily make up lore for any Class Combo.


I swear, these arguments with the Antiā€™s end up like sounding like that.


And they already got a nice Paladin hammer too with the 2H Mace you get from questing in Kul Tiras.


Oh Reno, Blizzard should just hire you in general. Atleast youā€™re nuetral about things and not in denial between one faction.

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Iā€™m neutral about playable High Elves, Sara. I have strong opinions regarding other stuff tho.


Which is what WoW needs. More like you.

Not stuff like this

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I agree we donā€™t need people posting bitter tweets.


Thatā€™s fair. I personally hope they diversify what they give the two races in terms of new options going forward.

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Like the colour red. And Cloud Strife and his friends.

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I agree with that part. How ever, I still would like to see:

  • More options for Hair Colours and Hair Styles for Void Elvees
  • Options to hide or customize the visual effect of Entropic Embrace

they canā€™t wait for the stream, xd instead of arguing the same thing in circles

They are the same 6 6 people saying the same thing over and over again, not by posting too much blizzard will they agree with either the antis or the pro helfs

wait for what blizzard has to say and there if again throw everything you want

the discussion is already being ridiculous

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Pretty much, according to starla blood elves own the exclusivity to pretty much every color in the game now even though you knowā€¦many races share the same haircolors. :man_facepalming:

Itā€™s almost like as soon as one petty issue is resolved, certain antis need to try to find something else to be spiteful about.

If anything it would make sense for void elves to have all the blood elf hair colors, since theyā€™re literally blood elves who switched to the alliance in BfA. Not our fault that Blizzard decided to make blood elves join the alliance, sorry!
I wouldnā€™t mind just seeing the basic brown, blonde and black added though.


I would at least like this as far as making it look like Alleriaā€™s void form.
Hers is so much more interesting looking than what is available to players right now.

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Maybe youā€™re being ignored because youā€™re being rude?


As long as blizz leaves this aloneā€¦thereā€™s going to be the usual helfers making ā€˜requestsā€™ and asking for more. As long as they keep that up thereā€™s going to be those of us who object to them, making our views known or else there will be helfers claiming our views do not matter or we donā€™t have enough numbers for blizz to care about us.


Well, it isnā€™t the fact of being rude to be ignored, I have never been rude to her in the past, and she has ignored me for as long as I have been a pro.

That is why I decided to put ā€œlittle miss ignoranceā€ there in that post.

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