New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Exactly. I thought arguments were bad enough with people calling each other trolls or ignorant. But using a term of a disability or disorder crosses the line.

I always found that odd, that they named their rogues after that particular Orcish clan and even more so after chronicles.

Kargath was never even part of the Horde now, until after Beyond the Dark Portal as I recall. Seems weird to venerate his clan this way. Also, the Shattered Hand Clan wasnā€™t exactly subtle, even for Orcs.

Not knocking your RP by the way, you just reminded me of them.

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Tell that to Blizzard, itā€™s almost like they wish they never did it to begin with :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


If Survival could go DW in addition to 2h, Iā€™d be peachy about it.

If you canā€™t get your point across without being belittling or making terrible comparisons to groups in real life or using disabilities/disorders, you really shouldnā€™t have any say in pixel elves.

You mage doesnĀ“t know how to backstab thoughā€¦ oooohhh!! that kind of backstab.

Heh, as long as the receiving party is welcoming, I donĀ“t see any issue.

My pleasure to aknowledge you guys, we need more people like you.

Why waste time with the Farstriders in the first place, then? I donĀ“t see open walks in the middle of the day 1000 miles from Silvermoon as a good way to improve in the rogue-ing skillsā€¦

Understatement of the DECADE is more like it.

IĀ“m not ā€œinsultingā€ them, IĀ“m openly manifesting my annoyance with their cheap stance of ā€œIf I think -but really not, if not they would be asking for the stuff for themselves- this is good enough then ALL think the same!!ā€.

To come out and say we Belf players MUST feel ā€œgratefulā€ over a mediocre customization is rude AF. Better not put words in our collective mouths me thinksā€¦

Unfortunately for all of us, rangers have been depicted more as a Hunter / Warrior class combo. Ranger Sylvanas running in broad light to directly (and LOUDLY) confront Arthas doesnĀ“t exactly scream ā€œrogueā€ for me.

Heck, this is one of the reasons I despise a little Vossā€¦ her own Scholomance episode is cringe worthy in regards to rogueing proper.

Yes! :blue_heart:
If they canā€™t balance it, just let us mog our 2-hander into a pair of 1-handers.

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Did we just find our next Allied Race? :laughing:
For Gradientmoon!
Die fleshlings!

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Speaking of mogging issues. Blizz needs to hurry up and fix w/e the hold up is with Legion Artifacts being hard coded together.

I wanna use my Deathwing Shield with an Actual Sword instead of being stuck withā€¦ a ugly mace.


Never been fond of Voss myself. She feels ā€œspecialā€ just for the sake of being so. Sheā€™s kind of like the protagonist of a poorly written YA novel.

And are her weird ā€œpowersā€ ever explained? Also, whatā€™s with the DK eyes? It seems like Blizzard put very little thought into her creation.

Yeah, sometimes on my DH I wanna just use one Warglaive and a Fist Weapon or something, but I canā€™t do this with any artifact appearances.


Oh, you can also mog your off-hander as a Fury Warrior into a single artifact weapon iirc, but only if you donā€™t make the main-hander an artifact appearance. Probably something to do with them being 2-handers.

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SheĀ“s the ripoff of another game (search: Lilian Vess)ā€¦ frankly the way she was written (a warrior with religious training) made her more a DK type than a rogue proper (I mean a LOT of the DK characters were former Paladinsā€¦ and warrior priest is literally the deffinition of Paladin in WoW).

I suspect devs made her a rogue just to spite Forsaken rogue players who saw with dismal despair her being chosen as a follower in Legion in a WTF scenario over Belmont (the actual rogue proper Forsaken character).

This is one of the most annoying tmog issues for my main alt Prot warrior too. That deathwing scales shield is so badass, but the mace is an ugly side effect Iā€™ve had to deal with for about 3 years now.

It also hardly ever shows in the character login menu anymore. Most of the time it defaults to the equipped shield own model.

Fix please.

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Lucky me, my warrior is an Orc so no issue with the maceā€¦ the bigger and uglier the better.

Iā€™ve never played MTG, but Iā€™ve heard of her before. Wasnā€™t even thinking of that.
In which case, wow. Usually blatant references/ripoffs donā€™t become major characters like that.

Itā€™s like Blizzard hates developing actual Forsaken characters, so they have to make them ā€œspecialā€ (Nathanos in his new body or, well Lilian Voss).

They were even going to have Tyrande kill Belmont in the Night Warrior questline, they only refrained when people complained since he is the only thing even resembling an important Forsaken character thatā€™s like the player characters at all.


Mine are all Orcs, but that one mace in particular is too ugly (and unfitting with the shield) even for Orc standards. :stuck_out_tongue:

My Orc likes the flail from the MT. Then again, he just Zug Zugs and uses whatever smash real good.

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Honestly I struggle to get a good mog for her.

I get that. I thought it was weird too but I guess what members of the clan remained when Thrall made his new Horde were sneaky sorts.

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For my Orc Warrior, I just picked a certain lore character and went, ā€œyeah, that looks coolā€.

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Pretty badass ngl.

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