New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Yeah. When you do something for fifteen years straight it’s essentially such a large part of your identity that you’re kind of stuck in.

I don’t think the world is going to survive beyond 2020 at this rate

I still play city of heroes too! :smiley:

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I actually want to thank you.

I’ve never had anyone make a post that made them lose the debate so hard that I won an entirely separate debate because of it.

It was a debate double kill. I had an achievement pop-up happen in real life.

You reminded me of the joke at the top of this list.

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The same blight infested destroyed Brill that got that way thanks to Sylvie?

I really REALLY can´t understand the appeal on expanding an already existing customization option and pretending this is worthy losing other actual new customization options, but to each theior own I guess.

A science developed in favor of keeping the resources and the availability of those resources, not about adoring trees for the sake of it.

This is what I mean when I say Nightborne are totally NOT into the whole WoW druidism stuff. Druids are a borderline religious sect. Farmers aren´t.

I just saw the second premise.

I certainly hope druids expect more from like than to become glorified farmers. The way I see it it´s an entire religion for them, not merely about keeping a tree healty so one can harvest it ad nauseaum.

LOL, you´re talking to a dirty Murder Row dweller buddy and potential ex-Sunfury… cry me a river in regards to how little I care.

I´m perfectly aware this is a Belf/Velf customization thread (heck, I think I´m probably one of the few ones posting actual new petitions than repeating like a broken record “buut muh DR is GoOd EnOuGh!!”). I just hate when people talks for myself (A.K.A. “Hurdies got playable Night elves like they wanted with Nightborne!!”) BS Callistus premise.

And his behaviour is 100% kind, amrite?

See,if he doesn´t want to get hit, he better not start beating others with his attitude. Pretty simple concept I agree.

Yeah. What if the High Elf announcement is just another part of the 2020 plague? haha.

I never played that one, but it’s nice that people can play it again!

laughs in Zidormi

Ah, you beat me to it.

Yeah. I mean, it’s fine. I get it. The Allied Race quests take a long time. So do the Heritage armor quests… and they kind of multiply so I can see them seeing the demand and being like, “Dang. We’re in over our heads.”

But hopefully they work out a good way to run these sub-races that doesn’t feel lazy.

Should I laugh in Zidormi too in regards to Darnassus and Theramore?

Cause I 100% agree, I just was under the impression RPers were up to the lore when you know… RPing.

You absolutely can. Many people do it while they level new characters.

I’m not an RPer. I just like to imagine stories for my characters as I play them.

Yea! It’s still a great game after all these years!

Wow. Dang. That’s old school.

The High Elf Wayfarers successfully learned how to wield the Void.

That’s all that’s needed to explain the new options for Void Elves. That and maybe get rid of their DK eyes for actual High Elf eyes? (The NPCs in Telogrus I mean)


I´m too much of a lore junkie to do this -reason why I don´t RP. There´s no real information available in regards to rogues in Belf society and up until Lorash they seemed like a mythical rainbow unicorn A.K.A. nonexistant. We know have ONE example of Belf rogueing proper (cause Valeera is so non Belfy and so directly related to the Alliance she´s not even funny) but how the class translates as a whole in the Belf culture is one big bad interrogation sign. Are they affiliated to the Magisters? to the Farstriders? etc-

Ohhh, a nice Male Human Paladin poster. Nice to meet more anomalies (we kinda have our own anomaly MHP in SF).

I mean… there is so much stuff they could do.

Big Forest Troll Bodies.

Human body choices.

Night Elf/Nightborne Male body customization.

Wildhammer Dwarf Totems.

etc. etc.

They could just do race sliders.

Like imagine you select a dwarf and instead of there being a square for Dark Iron Dwarves or Bronzebeard Dwarves there is just a thing you can click over like you can now where you choose your Dwarf Race and then it offers you the customization options.

would work well for Trolls and Elves too.

Just a lot they can do with it. Or they can just kind of lazily be like, “You can customize your dudes now! let’s not talk about it!”

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