New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I don’t recommend it. Feel like I’m treating more than the usual amount of traumatic brain injuries this week. Be good to yourself. Do some self-care. It’s such a dramatically increased burden on care-givers and unless you’re particularly young the recovery isn’t always great.

You would be surprised… I even took a loong time away from the game thanks to the ridiculous stupid Faction War narrative; and mind you, I never did this in WoD which arguably was much poorer in content and had my fav class/spec combo a useless nightmare for raiding and dungeoning.

I had much less to play in WoD and even like that I resisted and kept my sub… in BfA things made me so angry I just decided to left.

so, just because your personally wouldn´t leave thanks to idiotic storytelling this does not mean other players don´t do this.

I wouldn´t risk my body in your care even if you happened to be the only medical personal left on Earth. Considering your current stance in something as inane and superficial like this game lore, i wonder about actual serious stuff like irl injuries…

Feedback IS necessary, and the more done by the people actually involved with each race the better. I don´t want anti-Belf posters telling me what should be “acceptable / good enough” customization when they don´t even care over the race.

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Please don’t let these customizations go the way most of Cataclysm did.

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Yeah. I guess Legion’s Hunter Raid Armor from Mythic difficulty and Void Elf skin tones is the best bet right now.

I really hope that Blood Elves get Dark Rangers. I won’t make one. But it’d be nice.

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I mean… I feel like these customizations are cut corners.

For BFA they were like, “We’re gonna make similar races to what you already play! what would people like!”

dozens of requests

Blizz: “Ugh… that would be so many quests to develop.”

Actually for me it’s the Alliance Gladiator hood. It’s a purple hood that even gives your velf red eyes!

Yeah. I’ve seen that!

But it feels so out of place to see them Alliance side.

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In some cases maybe, like Forest Trolls being just a Darkspear skin or Wildhammer being a Bronzebeard skin.

However, I also mean things like hairstyles and jewelry. I hope they actually commit to making them, y’know, decent. Not going, “Well, we made about 3 tops per race/gender, most of which are recycled from elsewhere. SHIP IT!”.

I know. I wanna be that walking around Brill on the Horde.

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Agcriculture is a delicate science irl, the same could reasonably be applied here all the same.

Tree hugging?

I saw a potential argument that could be made to explain how Nightborne could become Druids. I also saw rude behaviour and stuck my nose in because I could.

Taking care of and growing a tree is like Druid 101. If you can’t do that what hope do you have to turn into a squirrel, smh.

I’m Reno Tarshil, Spellbreaker of Silvermoon and a Transmog Connoisseur, nice to meet you.

But why not? It’s a public forum.

I never once claimed to be. Also that statement of yours implies that you think that I think this is the Callistus thread and not one regarding customizations for Belves and Velves.


Oh no…

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Talk about being nasty and taking things personal.



It’s more of a orange eye look like the Horde counterpart as far as I know, only the Mythic gives red eyes but that ends up mixing with belf eyes making it not red.

iirc the glow mixed with my velf eyes and looked red. This was a long time ago though, so I could be misremembering.

Keep asking for it! It might take 15 years, but if High Elves are any indicator, you’ll get something that’s “pretty much a High Elf” (or in your case whatever you’re asking for) eventually!

(I’m teasing you here. Not trying to be snarky, just funny. And if I failed at funny please accept my apologies.).

Well I am leveling a Velf Hunter, so I guess I could test it out later to see how it meshes.

We’re too late. These developers have already been infected! They may look fine now, but it’s only a matter of time before they turn into the Cata team!

This entire dev team must be purged.


Not sure anyone wants to still be playing wow in 15 years.

I found an old picture I took. You’re right, it is more orange. Still, I like that it doesn’t come with a crown thing on it.

(If I still had level 3, I could just post the picture here instead of linking my old post. Why you gotta decay, trust!? :sob:)

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Why not? We went more than 15 so far. What’s another 15? :smiley:

I kinda like the extra bits on mythic stuff. I just wish some of colors had the extra bits, Like the Heroic version of that set has a nice Green and red vibe to it, that could use the extra bits on the hood shoulders.