New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Me too. I haven’t been active on the forums enough to run out of likes in a long time. Feels weird.

It actually is unthinkable. I made a request for what I want and Blizzard hasn’t given me what I want.

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Pulls up a chair with the frog and these elves and drinks green tea cause of his sensitive stomach


Well cause we hadn’t really had anything High Elf relevant in a long time to talk about which led us all running in circles and getting bored. I know I let my sub lapse for a while.

I mean uh… journeyed to help orphans look man pretty in zimbabwee… zimbabweh?



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Yeah. It’s good to see old faces due to the announcement. Though, I also hate looking at the clock and realizing how much time I’ve spent debating. I like seeing the homies but it’s about time to get back to being productive.


I quit the game for a while. Then I came back, but avoided the forums and just played my Mag’har. Now I’m excited over the new velf options so, here I am.


Well I’m happy for Velves getting new stuff to play with but I’m not exactly impressed with what I’ve received for my race.

This is why I don’t post that often. Just reading these things is enough of a time sink, even if I skip over portions at times.

Yeah. if I leave and come back, reading up to where I left off is enough of a time sink.

Yeah, I couldn’t even begin to imagine wasting hours doing nothing but posting on the forums.

This is my procrastination activity.


My greatest enemy. One day I shall slay thee for good.


I’m just glad I have the power of multitasking.

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Same here.

I get that. I was really excited about Wildhammer options, but my favourite Alliance race is velf, so with the initial announcement that they were getting nothing, I kinda lost interest in the Alliance for a while.

When I did come back to the game, I only played Horde. Good thing I also really like Mag’har, or I wouldn’t have been able to make the gold for Shadowlands.

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Honestly, with the customization announcement then the, “We’re not gonna do anything with Allied Races.” I was just sitting around waiting to see what they were going to do for Blood Elves and deciding if I was gonna refund the expansion and quit.

I play all the Elves. So the unfairness gets me.

/repeatedly hits head on desk

Cause priorities and behaviours totes compose the WHOLE culture of a race, amrite?

And I´m still waiting for you to justify how Nighborne are so Nelfy they outNelf the Nelves… thye actual Nelves written around Elune and Cenarius and druidism and so on…

So harvesting the fruit so the effects of the fruit can be more readily available to the Nightborne population in a way more familiar with their culture A.K.A. arcwine is = Cenarius worship.

Are you even aware on what involves druidism? Or you just jumped to save the fault malicios argument of your forum buddy regardless of the actual lore and info?

OMG you think nurturing a tree so they coiuld take ADVANTAGE TO SOLVE AN INHERENT PROBLEM IN THEIR PHYSYOLOGY is the same as the whole core concept of druidism!! For you this is the same as Loa worship?!?

I styand my case, you guys need to improve in the reading comprehension skills… cause you´re taking a seed of an apple and pretending you can make appel pie with it in this stage.

And you´re not Callistus nor my forum father, so?

Second time, I respectfully ask for you not to mess up in business that don´t concern you.

Funny, I didn´t know you´re the owner of the Callistus posting avatar.

Last time i saw me questioning the wrong premise that Nightborne are just the same as Night Elves and worse, that somehow Horde players asked for THIS (to be able to play NIGHT ELVES on Horde, which I never ever saw) didn´t seem relevant to the topic at hand.

And maybe you should follow your own advice cause look:

Mental Gymnastics: a slang term for the [mental] ability that can be very effective in with [cognitive dissonance]

Cognitive dissonance: An example of somebody displaying cognitively [dissonant] behaviour would be a situation where the persons views, [values], beliefs etc are contradicted or opposed by one or other persons causing them mental (psychological) stress. At this point a state of cognition is triggered effectively causing them to [refute], reject &/or miss-perceive the contradictory views, values or beliefs.

In other words, I wasn´t wrong!! People does love to pretend those body jewerly options were somehow universally praised when the actual wowhead datamined page actually says the contrary (I´ve seen more than one “thank god they got removed!!” comment up there).

I showed ALL the stances in which the game story negatively impacted a race in their narrative. And how that negatively impacted the players in consequence. Whole portions of friends left the game after the BfA villain bat and lore destruction of the Forsaken thematics.

It harms the game cause it makes players leave, period.

Sure, cause those “multiple players interested in Calia” were totes former Forsaken fans and enthusiasts.

Sorry but if anything in this game is an example on how awful is to catter to antis, that´s the whole Calia fiasco. That is what happens when the devs catter to players not involved with one race by proxy of modifying another race to catter to them regardless on how this hurts the players that liked the affected race in the first place.

Dear, your forum buddies carrying your wrong premise that Nelves = Nightnborne and Hordies wanted to play Nelves so Nightborne were the perfect answer designed to achieve this does not make your point less wrong.

Stop mixing the Helf / Belf issue with the Nightnborne / Nelf one cause newflash: they´re NOT the same. People -like myself- that play Nightborne don´t expect to RP a druid nor an Elune priest while at it. Don´t make the mistake of telling us what we wanted to play with that race ffs.

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Sorry, your opinion on how you think the story negatively impacted other people’s experience is factually not true, because like has been stated, it is your opinion.

To be frank, nothing makes players leave more than class balance, most people don’t care about the story :man_shrugging:.


If it ends up being that Belves don’t get Dark Ranger stuff and Red-Eyes, it will honestly make me start to resent Velves. Because then at that moment, it will make me believe that the “big bright exciting brand new customization expansion: play whatever the hell you want edition” will have fallen flat due to me believing that Blizzard diverted time and effort away from Belves but instead split the work and cut corners.

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I already resent that the closest thing you can get to a Dark Ranger is on the Alliance to be honest.

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