I find real creepy the idea of a Demon Hunter (that already has to dealt mentally with a demon trying to break control and overpower his host A.K.A. the elf) with an extra murderous voice in off telling him/her to murder everybody.
No, Velves are certainly NOT equipped to dealt with DH ritual in any safe manner; I see them going full Loramus Thalipedes and being overpowered by the mental strain. Heck, the current Visions of N´zoth kinda doubled down in how they WILL at one point go full tentacle team if the environment surrounding them proves fruitful for such goal.
A few days ago I saw your “suggestions” for Belves… suffice to say I objected to most of them cause they are either unecessarily restrictive or plain useless like the christmas bead ornament jewerly was.
You aware with these three + Paladins you ARe asking for all the freaking class combos available, right?
Hard no in regards to DH (seem like a recipe for disaster an a lore disgrace the likes of Calia Menethil; at least Paladins you guys can cheap off as former SC that verbally joined the Velves and Alleria but that have not gone under a ritual to get tentacle voices making you mad 24/7). Shaman too I frown upon cause it would come as hilariously ridiculous that Helves/Velves would run to learn the Elemental stuff while Belves (that had been in contact with at least 4 different schools of shamanism by 2 decades in a faction heavily favoring shamanism) haven´t done it already.
No, 8 is a nice round number, don´t be greedy. Take your paladins and your druids (which are lacking in avaliability in the class combo department on the Alliance) and go on your merry way.
With the current team of writers so lazy and non creative that they rather recreate an even worse written version of MoP and devote themselves to villain batting the Horde any chance they have?
No thanks, I rather devs don´t get even more venues to villain bat the Blood elves (who thankfully have been absent from the most gross elements of the aforementioned villain batting) in favor of your Helves.
It´s a freaking disgrace, Liadrin basically went back to where she was a character pre Third War as if the whole traumatic zombie apocalypse never happened. After Legion and the Mag´har scenario I kinda hate it even more cause then we learned windchimes in general are not necessarily goddie two shoes angels by default as people supposed in TBC.
Going back to acting like a light zealot -you know, just like she used to act as a pirest- is NO progression by default, dude.
I wasn´t present on the oficial forums at the time… rumor says people complained LOUDLY against the chance of this datamined info becoming real?
If so, then thank the players, not the a-holes writting the stuff.
In which universe was Kael AGAINST the Belves before the TBC villain batting?
Do you even Blood elf lore, man?
Rommath is famous at using his brain (“the Grand Magister is always right” seems like the current direction the writers took with him) and loving his people, period.
Please, take it in ALL colors (I mean, if you don´t have an issue looking like a christmas tree…)
I have seen only ONE poster asking for light tentacles -and yes, that was an unecessary silly and ridiculous petition. I hate when people puts restriction on the Blood Elf culture based in wrong premises-.
Personally I rather not get ANYTHING from the Velf model… those don´t match the narrative and culture of the Belves.
/joking voice
Cause they wanted to make Rommath look good and in the right frame as they do lately?
You guys can be holy priests… which kinda are one milimeter away fromk paladins in regards to worship to the light.