Not sure. I just use tattoo as a catchall term for markings on our characters’ skin as customization.
I want all of it. All the options.
Paint me up baby!
Maybe they aren’t identical to a race you like on the other faction, or compete for space with another race you like on the same faction. Maybe their lore doesn’t bother you and you don’t mind having them around. Besides, most threads aren’t always there, endlessly bumped by the same handful of people. You come to the forums for class advise, and here there are like 4 Alliance high elf threads at the top with the same 10 people arguing in them. What you said sounded clever but it was just a jab.
The Alliance is not improved by the presence of the Alliance high elves. You’re entitled to like them and ask for them, we are entitled to do the same for what we want. We happen to think that playable Alliance high elves would damage aspects of the game we enjoy.
People are allowed to have differing opinions, I at least try to not be dismissive of yours.
Enjoy that back pat you asked for.
Something, something, paint me like one of your french girls.
Maybe the flying ship spell was on CD.
She had to save her moves to be a raid boss.
Maybe her escaping at a ridiculously small health percentage and the ship move share a cooldown?
I feel that we were robbed of satisfaction.
For sure. If they wanted to save Jaina, they should have used an Alliance character that they were actually willing to kill as the climax boss of the raid. Of course, it seems the only Alliance faction leader they’ve ever been willing to kill is Varian, seeing as Magni came back and all.
Priest and Paladin… They learn from Mulgore Tauren.
Everyone is always going to ask for something though. Don’t forget Heca, this is GD after all.
And I am asking to preserve what is left of Blood Elf distinctiveness. I’m just asking for something too.
Exactly. Just because I disagree with you doesn’t make you wrong to ask. Why can’t more pro helfers understand this?
Was just about to say this. Fully agreed.
And you’re free to do that.
People have been requesting for the Alliance High Elves for god knows how long. And even being saying give them a different model so it can keep them both distinct from both factions.
But the best they’re doing is with the Void Elves, and if they are giving us these options on Void Elves to play as an Alliance High Elves through the Void Elf Allied Race, then I am all for it.
Honestly though, I think the Void Elves should use the same model that was suggested to be used for the Alliance High Elves.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with there being an effort to keep the two ends developing along different lines.
I’d be perfectly fine with extra options being unique to either end from this point forward. Extra hair styles and colors doesn’t need to mean they’re being ported over from either end. I’d be just as happy to have some shared from the human end, or, even better, new options entirely.
Yes, but people need to make Blizzard aware of this by making it known that they aren’t ok with Void Elves and Blood Elves being the same.
If there is nothing but silence on the issue, Blizzard might take that as people being ok with Void Elves and Blood Elves ending up the same, which many aren’t.
New hair options is the ideal outcome. I just suggest sharing some Human ones because:
- They already exist so less work for the devs
- The lore tells us that High Elves have been diluting their bloodlines by “intermingling” with Humans.
- There are a number of distinct hairstyles that Humans have, with very neutral looks that can work for both a High Elf or a Void Elf theme, and don’t take anything unique to Blood Elves.
I mean, I’d hardly call this thread silent on the matter, lol. I don’t think we’re at the risk of anyone not voicing their feelings on this anytime soon.