New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Just that the puppy was accusing you of ‘vilifying’ them.
I don’t believe you actually did that…so I was just playing.

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(Commentary): What people really want with that class/race option is High Elf Paladins. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would want to play a Void Elf Paladin. It’s lore breaking. High Elf Paladin? Perfectly acceptable, they exist in lore.


Blood/High elf paladins…yes.
There are not playable high elves on the alliance, they’re Void Elves.

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Ok, that was funny! :rofl:

Yes, but High Elves aren’t playable so it’s a moot point.


So this is essentially putting two races in one race slot. The problem with this is that it also allows Void Elf Paladins, which do break the lore from everything we’ve been told.

You can’t disable Paladins from Void Elves while allowing it for High Elves in this instance if switching between the two is essentially a barber shop option.


Hahaha… I loved this. Shut up and take my like! :slight_smile:

See what I mean? They are trying to turn Void Elves into High Elves. I’m not so crazy after all.

Pretty much, yeah. There was evidence that a few existed, sure, but it was hardly an “iconic” class for them. That part always rung a little weird to me.

That said, I’m always on the side of expanding the class availability just for it’s own sake, but the paladin thing really isn’t something I care that much about otherwise.


Honestly, I always really liked the thought of Belves approaching paladins as much more of a martial style and the whole “tool to be used” thing. Kind of found it a bummer that they swung so hard in the other direction after BC.


This. We already had Humans and Dwarves in terms of generic Light worshiping Paladins, and the Naaru for the Draenei had a slightly different flavor, but amounted to essentially the same thing.

The whole point of Blood Knights was to be this different, harder kind of order that just took the Light. They were a pretty dark group in terms of morality, but they were never presented as evil. They did what they did to survive. Their red and black color scheme matched with their darker and more martial stance on the Light in general.

Turning them into essentially a carbon copy of the human/dwarf/draenei paladins but worshiping the Light through the Sunwell instead of through the church or the Naaru kind of robbed them of their identity.


I agree with this statement here, but sadly, there is too many of whom just want to deny others on what they would like.

Because Void Elves are High Elves, just like how Blood Elves are High Elves?


And Alliance high elf paladins aren’t really a ‘thing’. It is a Blood Elf thing.


I dunno about Paladins being idea for the Void Elves though, not unless there is some new lore to support a Void Elf variation of a Paladin, such as a Dark Knight or something, but there currently isn’t. The only reason why I am not really agreeing or disagreeing with a Paladin thought is because I am more of along the time of a range/caster type person. I can play Malee Toons, but they aren’t really my cup of tea.

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See… I actually would like to play a Void Elf Paladin. Or, more specifically, a Void themed version of the Paladin class. Same skills, same mechanics, just different names and visuals and shadow damage instead of holy. Doesn’t have to actually be called a Paladin though. Void Knight, Riftblade, or whatever cool sounding name you can think of.

I’m not really asking for that though because it’s really unlikely that Blizzard would make a unique version of a class for one race, on one faction, for one specific aesthetic. But a guy can dream right?


Not exactly this, as Dark Knight was Garithos’s class in Warcraft 3. He just had a generic mix of Mountain King, Tauren Chieftain and Paladin abilities though.

I was just giving an example. Because technically, it isn’t a Paladin within the Blood Elven culture, but Blood Knights, which is there own version of a Paladin.

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I know, just had to throw it out there. :grinning:

But with the Void Elves, one thing I would like to see more of is better lore of them. Considering there was no relevance of them existing before there introduction, it is really hard to say what classes do make sense for them.

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Paladin isn’t a class I find necessary but I support it. I think it is maybe more likely for us to see Night Elf Paladins in the future? That may make a lot of people who want an Alliance Elf paladin happy? Hopefully the males get some more youthful faces etc as well, anyways thats just my thoughts, I’m rather satisfied with the entire situation we have right now save for of course the official confirmation about those High Elf Wayfarers and their place in the Void Elf ranks.